Spolly (Sparrow x Holly)

332 9 3

Okay, so I actually had never even considered this ship, but it was requested, so here we go.

I am not a fan. It just weirds me out.

1. Holly deserves someone who will treat her right. Is that honestly going to be Sparrow, the guy that literally sings songs about himself? I don't think so!

2. Poppy likes Sparrow. I don't think they would work out, but I can't really see her sister going after the same guy. Too much drama. I know I would stay away from my sister's guy. I'm friends with my sister's "friend-boy" and I still feel like she thinks I like him! No way!

3. Like I said before, it's just weird to me. I keep trying to imagine them together, and end up shivering.

I'm not trying to bash on Spolly shippers. I honestly examined this ship and tried to see it from your point of view. It just made me uncomfortable.

Anyway, suggest more ships please!


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