The Light

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I looked up at it, shook my head
And said,

It looked back and said; yes
Worthless, ugly, defiled, friendless.

I saw myself standing there,
Dark and angry beyond compare.
The feeling in my heart was firm,
Yet all it did was make me squirm.

I had no where else to go,
My soul continually cried out no.
It never occurred to me,
To look to others and see.

The love they carried, shared, had,
For my welfare, my feelings, I should be glad.
That someone would be there,
Yet all I thought was where?

I couldn't take it you see,
That all there was, was me.
It shouldn't be, I cannot find,
Another soul, of a like mind.

To help me through,
I had to look to,

Those others jeered,
Even when I cheered.

And I looked on It again,
Shook my head and said,

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