Screw Introduction ¡

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I am the freak.

At least that's what am called, the thing with names is when it becomes a title it sticks like glue and you can never get it off. That's what happened to me, one day I was Ella the next I was 'the Freak' and all it took was one mistake.

So screw intros what you need to know is that am the girl who walks down the hall alone with her head held high and my pen in my hand held as a weapon for anyone who dares walk in my way with a ready smirk on my face, I make no apologies, I own my title and I dare you to piss me off.

Curious are we? Okay I'll give. Exactly five months ago I had the perfect life, I was called Ella short for Stella, I was a straight A student, a cheerleader, I had friends and a crush who had a crush on me as well (how epic is that? ).

It was a perfect day, I woke up, had a quick breakfast, halfway ran to my best friend Sheila's house about three blocks from mine cause we always walked to school together and yes it was high school but I was not your typical high schooler, Sheila always said I was too mature for my age when everyone else was having teenage dreams I was having early life crisis as she called it.

I was more worried about my grades than boys because everything else came easy, not to sound obnoxious but I never had problems being a teenager until that day when I realized maybe it was because I wasn't really just a teenager.

Anyway we got to school and just as we were about to start the 1st period it happened...

The bell rang so loud I had to cover my ears and then I realized it wasn't the bell it was my scream and why was I screaming you ask? well it was because I was covered in the blood and brain matter of all my classmates, looking at their scattered body parts around the classroom, turning back around staring at the blood smeared white board with petrified eyes to read the words : Introduction To Reproduction.

Okay so maybe that's not the entire story but that's why I hate introductions, you can see why. Moving on, that was the past and usually I like to let sleeping dogs lie, reliving the past only makes me depressed and depression is a feeling I can't afford, let's just say it's what triggered my condition as my mother so gingerly puts it.

The point is until that day I never truly knew who I was or what I was, I was living a clueless blissful life the only drama being my overly dramatic best friend Sheila who incidentally happened to be the source of my new title.

They say in high school your friends change just as you try to redefine yourself and sometimes it hurts but you gotta live with it, I think that's what they call growing up.

Well I've done a lot of that in the past five months and all in all I think I've done a pretty good job coping with it, I mean it could be worse, I could have woken up in a different dimension or become a vampire or a slave or worse..

They could have found me and made me extinct just like my dad.

Okay, here are the facts :

Fact one
My name is Stella Elisabeth wells, I was born 7th July 1999, to Joseph Thomas wells and Janice Elisabeth wells.

Fact two
I am what they call a prodigy but not the musical kind, my father was a very powerful man of magic, his kind were almost extinct one only born every four generations and lived as long, they were called the Apotropaics, the protectors of magic, he was a  warlock and my mother is a muse but as far as the world and myself until recently knew was that my dad owned a construction company and my mum owned a small boutique.

Fact three
I being of this rare and powerful bloodline is by nature taciturn and by choice sanguine in behavior which is why my trigger is depression. Until recently I never knew how hard it was to be happy, like I said everything seemed to come easy for me, it takes every ounce of both my natural self control and my supernatural abilities to help keep me from falling over the edge.

Fact four
I am the only one of my kind.

Fact five
There are people, creatures and demons who would stop at nothing to end me, according to folklore my kind is an impossibility but whomever shall possess my heart would be stronger and greater than any of the gods and would surely be invincible. (Yes, I say this rolling my eyes in sarcasm)

Fact six
I am immortal. (Surprise! Shocker? You have no idea.) I don't exactly know how it works except i can die but i can't seem to stay dead, i always come back which is unfortunate because am starting to think staying dead is a much better option than staying alive.

Fact Seven
I am immune to magic but I can wield it.

Fact Eight
Five months ago my father and I were both murdered only i came back to life, changed.

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