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  Abigail giggled softly at the note that she passed to Roselitta. Roselitta rolled her eyes at the badly drawn ogre meant to look like their art teacher Mrs. Hayden. She folded the song paper she just finished writing and passed it to Abigail. Abigail sat there a moment to read the song. She smiled, jotted down a quick note, and passed both papers back to Roselitta. The note read, " OMG! This song is the best one this week! You HAVE to do the talent show next month!" Roselitta looked over at Abigail, smiled, and shook her head. The overhead bell rang, telling them to move to second period.
  Roselitta walked over to Abigail and waited for her to gather her things. "Abby, I told you before, I'm not going to do the talent show. I'm too scared." said Roselitta. Abigail looked up at Roselitta and just stared. "Rosie, I know you don't like to perform in front of crowds, but you do it in front of me. What's the difference between me and the school?" asked Abigail.
  "About 700 people," said Roselitta looking even more frightened than before. Abigail grabbed her backpack and stood beside her with her arm around Roselitta's shoulders. "You can do it", she said as they walked down the halls. "I know you can. You'll be great!" Roselitta just looked at Abigail. "I'll think about what you said. Bye. See you in homeroom", she said as she walked away.
  I am NOT singing in front of 700 people! Roselitta screamed in her head as she walked. I barely have enough courage to sing in front of Abby! Abby, Bethany, and my family are the only ones who know I sing!

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