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The girl sat alone in the booth, staring at the full glass of water in front of her. She watched as condensation did its job and made water droplets fall down the sides of the glass. She sighed heavily and hesitantly took a sip.

The girl was no normal girl, and she was waiting for no normal man. She felt the knife in her right book with her left heel, making sure it's there. She readjusted in her seat to check on the gun in her belt. Her huge black t-shirt covered it rather decently.

She leaned back, crossed her arms, and blew a strand of brown hair from her eyes. She had been sitting there for at least an hour and he has yet to show. The girl was beginning to give up on her boss showing. She had never seen him in person, and he refused to say his name. She found this typical, as she worked for Hydra.

Well, more like forced to work. After the Winter Soldier broke away they found her and took her. She hates them for it.

The man was supposed to come to tell her about her future with Hydra, if she had one at all. She was scared, but who wouldn't be? He could be coming to tell her that she had two days to live, or a promotion. Neither was good for her.

"Good afternoon, Buffy." A male voice sounded behind her, and she immediately sat up straight. Her breathing almost stopped. She never really cared to look good to Hydra, the faster they let her go the better, but she felt she should today. There was a rather huge chance she could die.

"Good afternoon, sir." She replied. From the corner of her eye she watched as he walked around and sat in front of her. "So you finally decided to show?"

"Watch your tone." He replied sharply and opened the menu. Buffy immediately bit her tongue. The man was probably no older than thirty five, which was surprising as all of the higher ranks were in the fifties at least. It took years to gain the true trust if Hydra. "What kind of a name is Buffy anyway?"

She felt the sudden urge to slap him. She knew she had to reply nicely though. "My parents changed my name as soon as the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out. They were huge fans."

"What was your original name, again? I do so easily forget." His eyes continued to be trained on the menu. Buffy bit her lip and glared. "Well?" He asked, looking up at her through his blonde hair.

"Elizabeth. Now tell me your name. If I'm going to continue to work for you and your people then I would like to know who you are."

"My name is not important."

"I believe it is."

"No." He said sternly. "It isn't."

Buffy narrowed her eyes at him and leaned back in her seat. "Then tell me why you're here. Hydra promised they would not bother me unless they had another job. This isn't job, I can tell."

The mysterious man closed and sat down the menu. He leaned his elbows on the table. A grin appeared on his face. "We have a...promotion of sorts for you."

Immediately Buffy's heart stopped. Sweat formed in her palms and she struggled to form words. This was defiantly something she was not excited about; "promotions" could barely be good. Mostly they meant going out to battle against the Avengers and there is nothing good about that. "And what kind of promotion would that be?" She asked carefully.

"You've heard of the Winter Soldier, yes?"

She nodded.

"And what comes after Winter, Miss Lance?" He cocked an eyebrow. This question set off red alarms on Buffy's head.

"S-Spring, sir." She stuttered.

"Good, good." He chuckled and leaned back. "So what would be after a Winter soldier?"

"A Spring Soldier..."

A sly smile spread across his face. "You've been so very skilled at Hydra, that we figured we'd keep you a little longer. Welcome to the team, Spring Soldier."


Hello and thanks for reading! Sorry for any type-o's; I'm writing this on my phone. This was just a prologue but the actual story should be posted soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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