Introduction - Chapter 1.

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I was strangling her. My blood-covered hands were wrapped around her slim neck. Her deafening scream echoing throughout my ears.

I had to do it I had to kill her.

To save me.

To save us.

To save her from herself...


Snapping fingers released me from this nightmare. No longer was I standing on that bridge, I was now in an empty classroom with a concerned face staring back at me.

"Chase? Are you feeling okay?" Tessa asked me, worry seeping through her voice.

I slowly nodded my head and put up my façade.

"I'm fine, just dosing off as usual", I smiled at her trying to convince her everything was okay.

"Okay, well lunch just started if you wanted to get going" she said whilst motioning her hands towards the door.

After grabbing our food we made our way to the grassed area and met our friends Hayley and Kian. They greeted us and proceeded to inform us of the budgets our school is making on the girls swimming team.

"It's not fair honest. The football team has enough gear and we don't even have a proper pool!" Hayley complained. Kian snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her close,

"Babe, you can't do much about it now. Why don't you try and get the team to raise the money for yourselves?" he said to her softly. Hayley pulled away from him a smile on her face. She clapped her hands together,

"What a great idea Ki!" she exclaimed laughing.

The chatter continued amongst the four of us. These people have been with me since I was 3 and haven't left my side since, even after I told them about that night on the bridge.

"Oh guys, chill at my place tonight? Parents are working late and I'm not keen to stay at home alone", Tessa said loudly to stop all conversations.

"Where's your brother going to be?" I queried her. She rolled her eyes at the question but explained to me that he's going to be at one of his usual parties. Besides it's a Friday night I thought.

"Okay sure, yeah I can come", Haley said and Kian nodded his head in agreement. Tessa turned and looked at me with big eyes and a pout. I shook my head teasingly,

"Uhh I don't know, might be a bit busy today", I teased her. She whacked me across my stomach and stuck her tongue out.

"Jerk", she said laughing. Tessa turned around and began to continue her previous conversation but I couldn't help but stare at her, this girl was the epitome of perfect and she didn't even know. Heck, I didn't even realise until a year ago how deeply I felt for her.

A deep sounding alarm screeched through the speakers surrounding the school,

"meet after school at the gates?" I asked all three of my friends. They nodded their heads happy about the meeting place and we all set off in different directions. 

After another horrid 2 hours, school was finally over and I was currently running late to meet my friends at the gates. 

"Thank's stupid substitute maths teacher", I began mumbling to myself. I let out a string of curse words to help release my anger. Shutting my locker, I began to make my way down the long hallway. 

Loud footsteps began to echo behind me, turning around curious to see who owned these feet, I see no one. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, am I just hearing things? I began to make up reasonable excuses for these sounds to calm myself down. Finally, my heartbeats slowed down until I heard the loud sounds again except multiple footsteps this time. Slowly I turned around and was pushed to the side by a group of younger teens. Breathing out a sigh of relief I followed them to the gates and immediately saw Haley's blond hair sticking out through the crowd. 

"Hey guys", I said once I finally made it to them. 

"Hey Ace. Where've you been?", Kian asked me. I shrugged my shoulders at him indicating I didn't want to talk about it. 

"Well anyways, we should get going guys. I'm starving", Tessa said breaking the silence that settled in our small circle. She began walking with Hayley, looping their arms together while Kian and I walked behind them. 

"So what really happened?" he asked me. 

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