Losing my mind - Chapter 3

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Halfway through the movie and everyone's fallen asleep. I began to doze off until I heard a loud clap of thunder, except it, came from my kitchen. Gently pulling of Tessa from my shoulder and laying her head down onto the beanbag, I walked towards the kitchen. 

My mind was yelling at me to go back to the TV room and shut the door, but it seemed as though my feet had a mind of their own. Something, or someone, was drawing me towards the noise. I don't know why, but I allowed it to. 

I reached the kitchen and found the back door wide open with rain pouring in so I ran towards it and shut it. Why is it raining? It was sunny not too long ago. Curiosity filled me and so I opened the door I had just closed and allowed my feet to take me to the backyard, behind a tree. An old man, with a shovel, was standing there digging at the dirt. 

The man was fair and slightly transparent. Sick?  No, he cant be. He looked familiar, as though I had met him before but he didn't seem to notice me. I slowly crept towards him until I saw a hand coming out of the hole he was digging. That's when I remembered. 

**** flashback **** 

I was running in my backyard from the old man. He was fast for someone his age carrying a heavy shovel on his back. My pace began to slow down as my breathing fastened. No! I will not let him kill me, he won't! I pushed through the firey pain in my legs until I realized I wasn't moving anymore. I was no stuck in the same place, running. I stopped moving my legs and slowly turned around to face my attacker. 

I don't know how he got here, or what he wants to do with me. But I know, his goal is to end my life. He picked up the shovel and smashed it across my head. 

I woke up with a searing headache covered in soil. Panicking, I tried to get out but wherever I was, was much too steep and I lacked the energy I needed to pull myself out. More dirt splashed onto my face. I gripped the edge of the pit I was in. 

**** end of flashback **** 

My nightmare. This man is from my nightmares. Am I dreaming again? How could this be? I pinched myself. It hurt. I don't understand what is going in but my head is reeling. I edged closer towards the man to take a closer look at the body. I was so close to the man, but it's as if he couldn't see me or was ignoring me.

 I looked into the pit and there I was, my struggling body trying to escape. 

I couldn't let myself die, even if it is a dream. So I leaned down, grabbed his struggling hand and pulled him up. The old man looked at me. It's as if he noticed my presence. 

He looked at me with a fiery rage in his eyes. I saved myself and made him angry. 

"Glad we could finally meet, Chase. In the real world that is", the old man exclaimed in a raspy voice.

 I grabbed my dream self's hand and ran. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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