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As you all out of curiosity and thinking what would have happened so bad out there. Yup, something bad actually happened over there. These all things were never in my mind at that time. The only thing I could see was Nithya. She was crying and I don't like people who make her cry.
"Wait, Am I trying to be a superhero or something?", I thought and realised I was
But still we boys know how we feel when something bad happens to our girl and the cause is right before us.
As we see in the movie Hulk, the way he gets angry and turns out into a green monster and smacks everything around. It happened to me as well and I threw those guys who were there without having a second thought what would have actually happened. The only thing I remember even now is I punched a guy's nose and it started to bleed. All the people instead of having fun with the movie, they started to see the fun infront of them.
It came to to situation where these idiots were even encouraging me to hit further. I came into their words and did the exact same thing until Nithya came in and pulled me off. She was still crying but this time she kinda had a smile on her face which meant I had hit the correct person.
One of the idiot tried to stand and launched towards me. Before I could react to it, the management of the escape cinemas indulged in and kicked them out of the hall. Beacause of this stupid fight we actually had forgotten to buy our snacks.
So we straight away went to the counter and paid for the nachos and got the token. When I tried to give the token to the guy in there. He was actually staring at me.
I had nothing to do. So I instead said "Anna, can you make it fast. Our movie already started"
He suddenly came back to his senses and was like "Ok" with a blunt expression
Actually Nithya probably wanted something else, but I was too irritated to bother about her. So I started walking towards our screen.
Nithya suddenly tapped my shoulder and was like "I'm kinda thirsty. I'll go get something". I don't know why but I got irritated again and was like "can't you say it then itself"
She was silent and I tried to observe some changes in her face. Her face turned kinda pinkish, her eyebrows went up, she made her eyes look glittering, and those beautiful lips gave a blunt nod. Indeed she made herself look extra cute than ever.

This look is enough for a girl to make a guy do any crap even if he doesn't want to do. Trust me my dear guys whoever is reading this, this composition of a girl is highly unstable. It is in between the sad-expression-less-face and I-want-it-at-any-cost face. To make this state suitable for the environmental conditions we need to satisfy its needs.
So hence I had to obey her
"No problem yaar, I'll get it. I'm there na. I shouted because I thought you were more interested in the movie and we are already late.", I told her and was thinking "who won? Me or her?"
She took the nachos from me amd told to get a coke of medium size and probably its an order for me.
I straight away went and got it. By that time she was in the theatre.
I was searching for my way in the dark because the screening had already resumed . Finally found my seat and her. I sat down happily and was still thinking what could have happened there.
Nithya was totally involved in the film. I wasn't able to concentrate. Out of curiosity I asked her, "what happened?"
She was like "leave it, they misbehaved, that's it"
I couldn't resist anymore, I kept asking again and again to a point she too got irritated and finally confessed.
"I was waiting in the line for popcorn. They were behind me. I saw them but didn't bother much about them. After sometime they started passing comments on me, I got irritated and turned to yell at them. They tried touching me everywhere. Even people there saw and came, tried to help me. They hit them as well and then you came in.."

While saying I could see her eyes, they were disturbed. A small drop of tear started to roll from her eye.
Then, I don't know what happened to me. I just couldn't see her crying. I held my hands on her cheeks and told "I'm there for you. I'll do every possible thing to make sure that you are fine"
She smiled and started pulling my hair and said "Thanks a lot. I'm lucky to have you. I don't know what actually could have happened to me if you weren't there..."
I smiled back and told "That's done now. Leave it. Let me watch the movie!!" And I winked.
She giggled.
I'll be honest with you all. I'm not strong. I'm just a regular guy. Basically it was a lucky day for me. If those guys were actually stronger than me, I can't imagine my situation now
Movie ended with a good note. Both of us loved the movie. We had some snacks and headed our way back.
All through the journey I was staring at her, did nothing.
My brain started calling me again.
"Don't try to be a hero again. You are going into her, which you as well know that it's a bad idea. Stop thinking about her!!" This was the audio playing in my mind while I was staring at her.
I didn't bother though. All I know is, she is happy and feels good for me.

By the time we reached, our college was over and directly thought of going back to the hostel.
We got down from the auto and paid him. It was time for us to leave. I just told bye and started walking.
I wasn't in a state of saying something else. Because something was going in my heart and that didn't feel good.
Nithya called me and I pretended not to listen. She came running and stopped me.
"You won't even properly say bye? Idiot, stupid,...." She started
" I told bye, you didn't listen!" I replied
" You call that a bye?" She asked
Oh shit, why is she looking cute to me? What is wrong with me? I can't properly confess but I wanted to kiss her. In the same way I didn't want to make the situation worse. So, I told "I've some work, bye" and started walking
She pulled and hugged me and said "This is how you say bye idiot!"
And....I was gone. "What I thought shouldn't happen to me is happening again, this isn't going great" I was thinking
She pulled my cheeks and walked off...

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