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"Kyubey! What the hell are you doing in my - er, Mami's teapot!" I snarled, seizing him by his neck and lifting him out of Mami's teapot. Damn, if she saw this, she'd steam.

'Now, if it isn't Kyoko Sakura' The incubator squirmed in my grasp. 'I was wondering when you were to find me. I see you've taken residence in the Tomoe household. Why is that?'

"None of your damn business," I growled. Then, I softened. He only asked; there wasn't any harm there.

'I'm only trying to understand,' Kyubey said as I let him go. 'Us incubators exist to also help magical girls. It's only natural that I ask.'

"Fine." I sighed. "Where to begin..."


Well, in this timeline, as Homura described it, was a lot different than the original. Here, both Madoka and Sayaka become magical girls, like the original. Leading to Mami's death being avoided because Sayaka and Madoka saved her. However, Sayaka isn't thrown into despair like other timelines and confesses to Kyosuke about her love for him. He confessed as well and they got together, leaving me to think about whatever happened.

Of course I liked Sayaka, but I reasoned with myself that I probably didn't love her enough. She deserved better and I was driven into the secluded hole of the church. When Mami came by, she demanded I visit with her to have dinner and I hastily agreed. I don't know what I was thinking at the moment. I was feeling soggy of guilt, for dissing both her and Kyosuke in the other timelines. She didn't truly understand as much as I did, but she forgave me.

Forgave me.

And after a week, I kept coming by quite more often, invited or not. I noticed that Mami never had visitors, never threw parties, and had no one there to spend holidays with. We were more alike than I thought.

And now...

I looked at Kyubey. "I don't expect you to understand how this feels. But I'm glad I could get it off my chest, y'know?" It was already plain to see I've been staying here too long; my vocabulary really beefed up.

'It doesn't make any sense. Humans brag about their differences and give themselves titles like, "special, unique, diverse". Yet, when it comes time to reproduce or simply, "love", as you would put it, you humans look for another person with similarities as you.'

I smiled. "I guess you're right. But like I said, you wouldn't understand at all."

'Because there's simply nothing to understand.'

"Either way, I think it's safe to say that Mami is my..."

'Your what?' Kyubey blinked his round, ruby eyes.

I guess I really didn't know what she was to me. What did I hope she would be? Or is it something else...?

"Kyo-Kyo!" Mami tackled me from behind in a strong hug. I stiffened when I felt her boobs press against my back. "Good morning."

"Ah, aha, ahm ha, Mami, h-hi," I stammered, face a bright red. "W-what brings you h-here so early, ha, y'know?"

"It's my house, silly," she giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck. God, help me. "Oh, and good morning, Kyubey." She pet his head. He only purred, nuzzling against her palm.

'If it is appropriate for me to say,' Kyubey said, 'I believe that Kyoko Sakura has something to tell you.'

"Does she?" Mami looked at me with those dazzling, golden eyes of hers. "What is it?"

I held my breath. Damn that incubator, I swear. No, no, this was a good thing in fact. If I told her, she'd definitely like me back. Godammit, how?! She's too fancy, and big wordy, and "let me prance and say long words with a monocle like some...some weird guy.'"

"If you are going to grovel to my feet for a snack, there's no need." Mami smiled sideways, and she let go. Her smiles were always cute. "There is a cabinet full of-"

"I love you!" I suddenly bursted, holding my face when I did. "I-I mean, like, you know, um...You're chill, and nice, and a great...friend?"

Tomoe looked at me with a look that confirmed how crazy I was. I had to think of something fast. My eyes glanced towards the small plant pot above the kitchen sink. I smiled, picked the flower, and gave it to Mami. The Golden Queen.

"H-Here! And edible flower I grew with great love and care!" I squeezed my eyes shut, but popped them open when I felt a hand on my wrist. My body was pulled towards Mami's.

"That isn't romantic..."

She held on to me and planted a big, wet one on my mouth.


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