Im glad I met you ( Chapter 5 )

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Jacks p.o.v

Previously; "Why the fuck are you so damn late?" My mother said. She's drunk. I know it. "And who is this Japanese fuck?" "Mom STOP! Don't call him that! He's my friend.. I think..." "Raise your tone at me one more fucking ti-" "STOP IT." I screamed. She punched me in the face. She punched me so hard I started to bleed through my nose. "THIS IS WHY YOUR FUCKING FATHER LEFT US YOUR JUST A MISTAKE." Mark just watched in disbelief and was in total shock and couldn't do anything. I dropped my things and ran back out side into the empty streets and ran fast as I could while crying really hard. Mark ran behind me trying to catch up and he finally tackled me and landed on me. "Stop" Mark said. "I found the strength to push marks body off of me and collapse onto the floor having a absolute break down. We were alone in a what seems to be an old abandoned parking lot. < last chapter, go read more to figure out what happened!

"WHY DO PEOPLE TREAT ME LIKE THIS? ITS NOT MY FAULT IM DIFFERENT AND HAVE NO FRIENDS AND IM PATHETIC AND I SHOULD GO DIE IN HELL. I DONT DESERVE THIS MARK, I DONT DESERVE YOU." I shout at the top of my lungs. "STOP JACK! DONT TALK TO YOURSELF LIKE THAT!" Mark shouts and me. "I SHOULD KILL MYSELF AND DIE IN HELL MARK" I say sobbing Louder after every vowel that escapes my pale mouth. Mark covers my mouth after those words and tells me to shut the fuck up. I don't know if that was to calm me down or he was sick and tired of my sobbing and screaming. "Jack, please, don't say that. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I had to put you through that, I should have never asked you. I should have been precautions about what you said. I'm sorry jack.. I'm so sorry.." I look at Mark after those beautiful words he said. I start sobbing into his chest and blushing. I did not know how long I wanted to release all of this negative energy until now. I look up at Mark. I make a move. "What are you doing?" "Uhhh... You. Hav-" "are you trying to kiss me?" "No, no, no,no, I-i.. I just-" I cut off my sentence and began to tear up a bit after the pure rejection and utter embarrassment punching me in the gut several times. I wanted to go run away and cry until I fall asleep. I look at Mark once again holding back the tears of rejection and begin speaking. "Fu-" I shudder and studder. "fuck you Mark.. Just let me do it." I said it under my breathe so he won't hear me. "Jack, look at me in the eye." I looked at Mark in the eye and was afraid of what he is going to ask me. "Did you try to kiss me?" "Why do you want to know?" Mark blushed very hard. I blushed hardly too at the thought Mark having feeling for me and blushing of me saying that to him. "Uhhh..." "I'm just kidding.." I said laughing. I just realized how much Mark calmed me down. His deep calming voice and persuasive tones calms me down, on the other hand, Mark lost his equanimity and was looking at me with confusion. I get up and sniffle and wipe my tears away. I look at Mark and forgot all about my mother. Mark stays in silence while I stare at him waiting to respond. "I uhh.. I'm really sorry jack. I did not want to hurt you.. Sorry.. I'm just in shock after what you said.. I uh..I'm sor-" I cut off Mark and said, "stop Mark, it's my fault for having these problems and dragging you into them." I am still embarrassed about the whole kissing situation but it looks like Mark forgot. "Uh, want to stay at my apartment for the night? Or for how long you want. I have pjs you can borrow and you can sleep in my room and you can go to school from there." I blush at the offer and the thought of hanging out with Mark. I immediately accepted the offer and hugged Mark. "Thank you. Mark, I'm so glad I met you." My grip becomes tighter and so does marks. We stay there hugging for a while until we separated and looked at each other. "Thanks, you mean a lot." "No problem" Mark responded. We hug once again and stay there for a good 5 seconds. We start walking to his apartment while having a talk about what to do at his house and how we are going to have so much fun. Mark puts his warm slightly bigger hand than mine in my left shoulder and warms that spot his hand was laying on ( I got this part from a fanfic I read but umma use it for this ;) )
We finally reached the building to where his apartment was. He took off his warm hand to open the door. I can already feel the cold winter nights breeze on the part where his hand was laying. "Why thank you Mark." I say and walk through the door. I don't know why but I felt very sassy when I said that. I looked over to the corner of my eye to check mark skipping down the halls like a little tiny child being giddy. I think he's excited to have me here. I grin at the sight of Mark skipping and continue walking. I walk up to the elevator and push the up button. We wait patiently for the elevator to come down and pick us up. The elevator doors finally open and we walk in. Mark pushes the 4th floor button and walks back. Mark turns to me and smiles. "I'm happy your here.." "Me too." I responded. We finally reach the floor and walk out. I follow Mark to his room, "room 413, I always see that number in the movies when a hotel scene happens." I thought to myself. We walk into room 413 and Mark closes the door and locks it behind us. I get the chills for some reason when Mark locked the door. Mark walks in front of me and      shows me his cheap leather "100% Cotten stuffed." Couch. He shows me around his house for so I'm "aware of my surroundings" but I think if I walk into a room I already know what it is but ok. After the whole house tour, Mark tells me to make myself comtarble while he goes to change into his pjs. I sit on his "100% stuffed cotton couch" and wait until Mark comes out.

I HAVE BEEN SLAKING. I'm sorry guys, I might not post Saturday because I have a party to attend and the water park, it's just to much. I will probably post tomorrow! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love you guys!! Byee!! <33

Bitter yet Sweet ➢ Septiplier ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora