Ch-12 Word's Out

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The three alphas were unchained by guards under Elizabeta's orders. The never saw General Braggs ever again.

"Feliciano, while everyone else is thinning out why are you thickening up?" Alistair asks. Everyone else went quiet and nodded their agreement. Feliciano fidgeted nervously. Should he break the news to Alistair, or should he wait it out? Feliciano sighs and shrugs.

"What do you mean you don't know? Surely you would have an idea." Antonio says. Feliciano fidgets a little more before letting out a heavy sigh.

"I'm pregnant." Feliciano says. Alistair got a really happy look on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Alistair asks. Feliciano doesn't reply. The realization seems to kick Alistair right in the face. The alpha's face drops and he moves slightly away from Feliciano.

"You weren't a virgin when I slept with you." Alistair says. Feliciano nods. "Who took it? Was it some secret lover? Or did someone force you? I swear if it's the latter I will hunt that person down." Alistair bares his canines. Feliciano shakes his head.

"I happily spent my heats with a close friend when I was little." Feliciano says.

"Well who was it?" Feliciano doesn't answer. "Tell me!" Alistair raises his voice causing Feliciano to flinch.

"L-Ludwig..." Feliciano trails off. Alistair's jaw drops and he turns to look at the King.

"That Ludwig?" Feliciano nods. Alistair sat back and looked between the two. "Oh." Alistair says. He definitely wasn't expecting King Ludwig to be the alpha that took Feliciano's virginity. Feliciano just stayed where he was as he left Alistair to think through everything. Ludwig sighs and looks at Kiku to see the omega not fazed at all.

"Kiku are you alright?" Ludwig asks. Kiku nods his head.

"Oh yes. Feliciano told me a bit ago about the pregnancy and his tiny past with you." Kiku smiles. Ludwig nods. Antonio just looks at Feliciano with concern. He wanted to make sure Feliciano got through the pregnancy healthily so he was already planning for different problems that could happen.

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