Those People Who Hate Their Jobs

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If anyone has seen the music video for 'Milo Tin' by Tiny Little Houses (they are amazing I wuv dem!!!!) you will know who I'm talking about.

1. Okay, obviously; why do you work here if you hate it? This is not intended to be snobby because if anyone has also seen Horrible Bosses (yay!) you would know that you can get stuck in some job you hate, and this isn't just for people who have watched Horrible Bosses, duh, it's just an example. This is not sarcastic. I actually really want to know how and why you work here.

2. How many jobs have you had?

3. Did you drop out of high school/ did you go to university?

4. Have you ever walked into work and walked straight back out to buy chocolate cookie dough ice cream with and walk down to the ocean and reminisce about past times and were fired the next day because you have a (wait for it) horrible boss?

5. Have you ever sat in your car during night for hours with your headlights on and illuminating the empty, deserted road in front of you listening to Wasted Hours by Arcade Fire, thinking about all your wasted hours at work?

6. Did you ever imagine being an author living in Colorado with your border collie up in the mountains, because if so I might be in trouble because I could end up in your shoes (yes this is my dream, so sue me if I want to know how it ended up for someone else)?

7. At what point in your life did you realize you were going to be in terrible jobs as long as you live?

8. When did you move off your parent's couch and into the big wide world?

9. Did you ever have an obsession for cats?

10. Do you think your obsession for cats land you where you are now? If you never had an obsession for cats, then;

10.5. Do you think you would have been better off in life if you had of had an obsession for cats?

No, I'm not a crazy cat lady, I'm actually a dog person (but of course my cutie kitty Dusty is an exception!!!!!!). I think that whether or not you think you cat obsession benefited you is valuable information.

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