My Fellow Sevvies

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Yes, year seven, where here in Australia you start high school! Yay!!!!!!! HEHEHEHE yeah right.

1. Do you ever talk to your old best friends from your primary school?

2. Is it just me or do the people who had best friends in primary school don't have best friends in high school and the people who didn't have best friends in primary school have best friends now, in high school?

3. Do you hate and feel self-conscious about your bag that makes you feel and look like a turtle too?? (really, am I the only one????)

4. Have you suddenly realized you are an incredibly boring person?

5. Have you suddenly become a better texter than talker (as in  you have better conversations with people when you text them rather than when you talk to them face to face)? Cuz guess what that's me and it is the worst thing in the world. I love you, my dear phone, but how much better would the world be if we didn't use our phones all the time? Gasp! Okay, I declare the rest of the week the 'Don't Use Your Phone As Much Half-Week', if you want to give it a try *snorts at the delusional thought anybody would actually do that because some random, totally un-famous person said so on the internet* Well whatever, if you support this comment #Don'tUseYourPhoneAsMuchHalfWeek because hey I like hashtags so sue me!!!!!!!

6. Have you had that moment where you literally can't kneel or crouch or anything because the day before you did like 50 squats and serious lunges in PE? I seriously cannot be the only one.

7. Have you woken up an realized that you are the only one single in your friend group and spent the rest of the day wondering why?

8. Do you have that one friend who questions reality and our existence and when you see your crush she says something like 'Wake up, it's not real' and you take it the entirely wrong way (like you think she's saying you and your crush will never happen and it's just a dream rather than your life is just a dream) and spend your entire weekend rethinking your life choices? Hehehe there is totally no reason why I got so specific there. Doesn't mean anything whatsoever. Mwahahahahahaha!!!!

9. Does your bucket list include becomin' a bad-ass werewolf/witch? Okay this was unnecessary, and completely irrelevant but when else am I gonna ask this? Oooh that gives me an idea....

10. Is it just me or do the seniors always push in in the canteen line and do the year eights act like they own the school and why are there never mouse cups in the canteen when I get there? Please answer, someone, I would like to know :(

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