MY Version Of Chap 1!

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K, so this is my version of the 1st chap. Now SabakuNoYuki and me will b writing didfrrnt versions. Also, different plots. her will b Sasuke's pov and will b longer than mine. This will b 3rd pov and pretty short. I'll upload randomly but votes and comments wood b awesum!

 Read "What Could Have Been" b4 this! And read SabakuNoYuki's version 2!!! It rox!!!



Overwhelmed by the pain, the anguish of what he's done-more like what he would have done-he fell to his knees, doubling over as if he felt pain. But all the pain he was feeling was only emotional pain.

A lone tear slipped out of his tightly shut eyes and he mentally gasped at what he's done. Sasuke was.......crying for Sakura.

What was he doing? The last Uchiha couldn't go around crying over something that hadn't even happened yet. But.....he couldn't control it. He has done the unthinkable-he had killed his own teammate. A hole pierced his cold heart and it was so painful he found it hard to even breath.

"Do you know understand what you have done?"

Only then did Sasuke realize he was back in the forest. Back with Obito. Back in reality.  

"Why? Why did you do this to me?" he nearly shouted, wiping the tear from his eye as nonchalantly as possible. Uchihas didn't cry.

"I'm offering you an option." Obito said, unfazed by the boys unstable condition.

What is he talking about? An option?

"I'll send you to the past in Konoha, if that's what you want."

W-was that even possible? Could Sasuke live that perfect life that Obito had taunted him with? Could he get back at those truly responsible for his clan's massacre? Could his bond with Naruto actually be restored? Could he be with Sakura?

It seemed like a dream. Maybe it was. But Sasuke sure as hell hoped it wasn't.

If Obito could do this......then everything would be perfect. Was that possible? For something good to happen in Sasuke's miserable life? Nothing ever really went his way. Even when he obtained his life long goal things still didn't happened the way he wanted.

He was such an idiot to give up the only good thing in his entire life. The only thing that ended nicely for him was ruined. And for what? Power. Power that was wrongly used for killing the only person who cared about him.

He left his team for his Village's enemy. Orochimaru. Then he created his own team against the village. Then he joined his Village's biggest threat. The Akatsuki.

What he had done was unforgivable. He knew that. He permanently ruined any chance of a future he had in Konoha. If he even tried returning he would be locked up in some cell guarded 24/7 by the ANBUs. But if he could return to the past.....he could stop himself from making those bad decisions. He could get that life he always wanted in Konoha.

It was obvious he missed his team. He missed them so much he-without even realizing it- replaced them. Jugo was Kakashi's replacement, Suigetsu was Naruto's replacement, and Karin was Sakura's replacement. But they were never good replacements. They could never be like the real thing.

Jugo was a lot like Kakashi-with his ability to stay calm and ready and his secret strength that he never used unless necessary-but he would never be the same fatherly figure his erstwhile Sensai was. Suigetsu and Naruto were very similar-considering how they both took any chance to start a fight and were always bellicose-but Suigetsi would never be a brother to him like Naruto was. Karin and Sakura were quite similar-with their obsessive attitude and constant need to scold people-but never, never EVER, would Karin receive the same feelings Sasuke felt for Sakura.

 He needed his old Team 7 back.


Sasuke-with great pain- remembered the horrid future he was shown. He couldn't allow himself to do that. He couldn't let his future self kill the one girl he had feelings for.

If only he realized he just admitted he liked her.

"What options are you talking about?" he inquired.

"You can either stay on this track and meet that horrible future or you can choose to let me take you back to the time you left the Leaf Village and start all over again."

Was Obito's peculiar Sharingan this strong? Could he turn visions to reality?

"You can do that for me?"

"Sure. Without you, there won't be another great ninja war and all that you saw in the second vision."

Wow. Sasuke was never aware of the impact he had on the ninja world until now.

"Take me on the path to the first vision!"

Obito smiled. The boy has finally chosen the right thing for once. "Okay, hold still.  

After a sequence of unfamiliar handsigns his crimson Sharingan began to change. The original three comas in his eyes began to duplicate and a hazy look appeared in his eyes, as if he were dazed. Then he snapped out of it and shouted, "BACKWARDS TIME JUTSU!"

And, for the third time that day, the scene around Sasuke changed. Except this time they weren't merely an illusion. They were real.

"Make sure you pick right Sasuke!" the voice reminded him.  

This time he was going to make the right choice.


from now on, SabakuNoYuki's version and mine will b totally different! Feedback PLZ!

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