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It was dark. He wasn't there, next to me.
I felt cold.
He maybe was asleep now.
But, I wasn't.
I missed him.
He had black soft hair that smelled sweet like.
I loved to bury her face into that hair when he was giving me piggy backs. He had violet like purple eyes. Lighter than his twinsister had.
He had the smoothest skin.
And he gave the best hugs.
And he was normal.
He didn't live on this school.
He lived in his own apartment.. Not really his own.
Their own.
He shared it with his sister.
Her name was Felicia.
She was together with Vio.
Vio that also lived in the house next to this one. His room was in middle on the right side when you walk in. Left to his room was Neo's room.
My childhood friend. Best friend.
Neo who had been there for me all the time.
I didn't love him anymore.
I loved Parker.
And he loved me, he said.
My heart started to beat faster just thinking about him.
His soft lips.
Sparkly eyes filled with curiousity and sympathy.
His wonderful smile.
His everything.
Oh man how I loved him.
I shut my eyes tightly.
Tried to calm down.
And then I fell asleep.
And I had the sweetest dreams about him.
I couldn't wait to tell him about it when I'd meet him the next time.

-Hey Nick can I sit here?
I looked up.
- Sure thing, I said in a cool way.
Vio grinned at me and sat down. I glanced over at his tray.
A small tower of 5 cinnamon crackers placed on each others with butter on. I just couldn't understand how he could eat that much.
And to drink, as usually he had his first breakfast-drink choice.
Chocolate milk.
That he usually drank with a straw.
But there was no straw in the glass.
He got up as if he had forgetten something. And he walked away for a bit, and came back. with a straw.
He sat down again.
- Hey Nick, why are you not eating more? You'll get hungry, Vio said and started to eat on the first cracker.
I shrugged my shoulders.
- I don't like eating.
- How can you not? That's like super duper important!
-I do eat, I said irritated in defense. Sometimes.
He nodded and started to slurp while he was drinking his chocolate milk.
Soon the others came and sat at the same table too.
Riley, my best friend.
He had the cutest cat ears and tails since he is a hybrid of a stray black cat.
I didn't know much about him, but he had told me that he got abused in his last home which is very possible. Since he has scars all over his body from who knows what have happened to that boy!
Ofcourse I felt sympathy for him. He didn't even deserve to be at this school in the first place! He hadn't even killed anyone!
But.. He was a hybrid..
And that is what got him here.
Poor thing.
Armin sat down next to him, just to tease him.
Armin was Riley's ex since soon half a year ago.
A really annoying one.
He was literally like an brat that had no stop.
Oh yeah, he is reborn. His brother too.
Since they made a contract with the devil or something. He also has this super creepy reading mind and memories power by just touching you.
And as a bonus on what a shithead he is, he has a manipulating power that lets him control people when he had touched them.
Talking about the devil( Haha you get it?) Isaac, Armin's older brother entered as well and sat down next to Armin.
He has this creepy "I-can-see-the-future" power.
He is.. The king of this school.
Why would you even wanna be king over this crazy place?
However.. If we say like this. If he wants you dead, you're dead.
See how it ended for Vio for example.
Vio is a ghost.
Cause he died cause of lack of blood when Isaac shot him in the stomach. Why he killed Vio?
A) They have been trying to kill each others since they met B) Felicia.
So Vio has this super duper crush on Felicia, she likes Vio back ofcourse.
Since they are together.
Don't ask me how it works to be together with a ghost cause Idk how that works.
But yeah. He thought he would get her. But she still loves Vio. So no relationship between them again, also btw she is his ex.
I don't know that much about Sakura and Prim though.
Just that they are totally gay for each others. Which ofcourse is nothing wrong.
You can love whoever you want.
For example, Parker and Vio had a relationship. While Vio was still together with Felicia, oh god don't ask me why.
-Riley-booh~, Armin said jokingly and poked Riley.
Right in the ear.
Riley let out a scream and covered his ears with his hands.
Everyone was staring at them.
- You're so stupid Armin!! He shouted and took Armin's bowl with cereals and milk and turned it upside down onto Armin's head.
The milk just rand down Armin's face and the cereals had turned into gross sticky cumps in the milk that ended up in Armin's lap.
He got soaked with milk and chumps of cereals short said.
Everyone just laughed at him.
But. Riley had left.
I got up. Gave the rest to Vio who gladly ate it all up. Then I ran out after Riley.
Hoping that it was out he ran. Otherwise it'd be awkward.

I was right.
He had ran outside. And bumped into one person.
One special person.
- Hii Nick!!
He said and ran up to me and hugged me.
I hugged him back tightly.
- How I've missed you! He said happily.
And then I saw how his sleeves slided down.
And I saw them.
The scars.
I recognized what kind of scars it was at once.
I felt confused. Why would he cut himself?
Wasn't he happy?
He was happy now. It felt like a better idea to keep quiet.
Not relieve that I saw them.
It was the right thing to do, right?
Since he was happy now.
I thought.

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