5 Seconds of Summer SONG PREFERENCE-I Swear This Time I Mean It (Mayday Parade)

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I Swear This Time I Mean It-Mayday Parade: youtube.com/watch?v=KN-uo02mxoQ

{A/N: This is my very first preference so I'm terribly sorry if it sucks}


"So I'll sing a melody, and hope to God she's listening, sleeping softly while I sing"

It was hard while Luke was away on tour, nobody could deny that. You would go through a long, hard day at work and come home only to have a short skype call because the time differences were the worst. Most people at this point would face the facts that it's not worth it. People have been telling you for quite some time now that maybe it would just be easier for the both of you if the relationship would end. But you never listened. You loved Luke too much to let him go. He loved you just as much, maybe even more. He felt awful about leaving you on your own and his own mind haunted him with visions of you alone and night with him not being able to protect you. That's why he covered this song on the tour and dedicated it to you, the love of his life.


"Don't disturb this love of mine, look how she's so serene, you gotta help me out"

You and Calum had been bestfriends since kindergarden. That's all you ever were. But Calum had a secret. He had been in love with you since the second he saw you, even at that young age. Calum was always afraid that you never felt that way back, so he would never confess his feelings towards you, even though everyone around you could see it. It was one of those nights again. You were in Calum's room, crying, as you told him that your bofriend had cheated on you..again. Calum had warned you in the past to not go back to him after the first time he cheated on you, yet you kept going back because you thought you loved him. You cried into Calum's shoulder as he held you tight. You ended up falling asleep on Calum's bed, which wasn't really a bother to him. He just stared at your fragile body and face stained with smeared makeup and red streaks from your tears. "Fuck, she's perfect." He thought to himself "I love her so much...I hope one day she realizes I will treat her right"


"To form imaginary lines, forget your scars, we'll forgive mine" (MAY BE TRIGGERING: If you have problems with suicidal thoughts or self harm please talk to someone, talk to ME. You're gorgeous and I love you more than anything.)

You had closed yourself in the bathroom, and had been staring at your reflection in the mirror for an hour now. You hated yourself. You despised yourself. After a picture that was snapped by the pap had gotten out of you and michael sharing a sweet kiss while shopping, hate piled up all over. "You're so fat", "You're so ugly", "Why would Michael ever date you?", "You're worthless", and of course "Kill yourself." They stung. Especially the last one. In your past you had gotten heavily bullied and began to cut yourself. When you found Michael, you felt like you may have a reason to live. Michael knew about the past, and had made you promise to never hurt yourself again. But here you were standing in the bathroom, holding a new clean blade. You hadn't made a cut yet. You prepared to make the first cut in a year. You slowly moved the blade to your wrist when suddenly-"Hey babe I'm home!" you heard michael shout through your shared apartment. The sudden noise alarmed you, causing you to drop the blade in the sink. "Babe?" michael said and he pushed open the door. You didn't even look at him, just the blade. As did Michael. "(Y/N) did you..." he voice sounded shaky and scared. You hesitated "I...no. I was going to but...I.." you broke down. You fell to the floor sobbing as he knelt down and held you. he lightly held your wrists and placed light kisses on the scars. "Never do this to yourself again, you understand? Fuck what they say. You're perfect, and I'm utterly in love with you" he said before placing a sweet peck to your lips.


"You could crush me, but please don't crush me, cuz' baby I'm a dreamer for sure"

{His P/O/V}: The night sky was clear, only a milion stars in site. This was my 4th date with (Y/N) and we had decided to have a late night walk in the park. Nobody was around besides us. The cool, crisp fall air blew past us. I had known (Y/N) for only a few months, but fell instantly for her. God, she was gorgeous. Especially tonight. Everything about her just seemed perfect. She had won my heart for sure. But it was obvious it was going to be hard to win hers. She had been hurt several times in her past, making it harder for her to trust guys. She had told me no previous times when I asked her out. She seemed extra shy today, giving me short awsners, blushing at random times, and never looking me in the eyes. "Are you alright?" I asked after a long silence between us. "What? Oh, I'm fine" she answered looking down and biting her lip. I stopped walking, as did she once she realized i did. She countinued facing down but I turned to face her, lifting her chin lighting to make her look in my eyes. I imediatly noticed something..a sparkle yet, mixed with fear. "What's the matter?" I asked, her mouth suddenly falling open as to say something, yet nothing came out. Finally she said "Ashton I really like you. I have for a while now, I didn't even know you knew who I was that's why I was so shocked when she asked me out. I now realize I really...really like you but I just...I can't get hurt again" I cut her off with a sweet, delicate kiss. When we broke, I kept my face close to hers and whispered "I could never live with myself if I ever hurt you"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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5 Seconds of Summer SONG PREFERENCE-I Swear This Time I Mean It (Mayday Parade)Where stories live. Discover now