Going to Sleep

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Heh no, no, no. Jeff will not kill you xD
Anyways you are 4 years old in the story... Didn't feel like writing everything. So I hope you enjoy~
        -That band freak-

Liu's P.O.V

"(Y/n)! Come oooon" I groaned. (Y/n) is still awake and it's past her bedtime, I know Jeff shouldn't had given her her "Really Good" coffee of his he makes... "Though it doesn't, it tastes like pure shit." Sully rudely commented "Oh shut up Sully.. You gotta admit it is good. Kinda better than Starbucks" I stated. "Tch, Kinda."

*In the Morning*
8:00 am
Your P.O.V
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" I rushed to my daddy's room to see what he was up to.. But he wasn't there, "Hm, he probably went with uncle Smile to visit people.. Lj! Lj! Lj!" I ran downstairs to see Lj with a music box. "Hi Lj, what is that?" I asked curios, "Well that is a music box haha sweetie want to see?" I nodded yes. He pushed a button and the song Pop Goes the Weasel slowly played.. It sounded creepy but maybe because it was old and rusty. Pop! The Jack in the box popped up making me jump back, "Hahah nothing to be scared of sweetie, here you can have it haha. I've been treasuring this for a while haha and I want you to have it, hahah" Lj gave me the box, "Wow, thank you Lj!" I hugged him as he offered a (F/c) lolliepop. As always I accepted it and went back upstairs pushing the button and hearing the tune.. Pop! I smiled this time "I will also treasure it too!" I went to my room and placed in my table, I love it! I laid in bed starting to get bored, 'ugh i'm bored who do I go with' you taught for a moment "Sally is fun... But she gets annoying at some points, Ej is great to hang out with.. But scary, Jane.. Uncle Smile doesn't like it when i'm with her, BEN.. Yes BEN!" 8:15 am
I got up and skipped downstairs, I saw the elf playing video games. He doesn't like when others call him 'Elf' so I have to be careful in what I say. "Hi BEN, what you doing?" I sat next to him. "Playing Video games... Where's Liu? I mean your dad?" He asked not even bothering to take off his eyes off the Tv screen. "He went with Uncle Jeff to go visit people" "Tch, visit people.. Lame. Why doesn't he just tell you that he ki-" BEN stopped what he was going to say starting to sweat, "Tell me what?" I asked "Nothing." "Tell me!" I stood up, "Why doesn't Liu just tells you that he.. He.. He loves you so much that he would give his life for you!" He said smiling yet stuttering.. "He does! Actually he tells me everyday!" I cheerfully said. "Heh, that's good.. Yeah uh go play with Ej. I'm busy right now so see ya" he said quickly while putting unpause on the game. "Okay... Elf!" I glared and he surely got mad and started chasing me around "Haha try to catch me!~" I sang out while running, "Oh I will you little brat!!!" He said from behind chasing me. I bumped into a tall figure... Slenderman "Oh oops sorry." I looked up I didn't knew if he was mad for bumping into him, who knows. "Why child, why are you running?" He asked "BEN is chasing me!" I was about to run when he picked me up with his tentacles and then picked BEN up too "Aye! Slender put me down! That little brat called me an elf!" He tried to brake free but failed, "He was calling me a brat!" We were arguing and I could totally tell Slender was getting annoyed "Children! Stop arguing!" He raised his voice, hearing him raise his voice we were quiet until BEN broke the silence, "I am not a child." He crossed his arms "CHILD OR ELF! It's the SAME" He got mad, "Oh dear Zalgo okay." He yelped, "(Y/n) go find someone else to play with, and BEN go back to play games and if I see you chase (Y/n) again you can say goodbye to Zelda. Am I making myself quite clear!" He asked seriously "Yes sir." We both stuttered in saying that. He put us down and I went to find Ej, as for BEN he went to play games. Phew...
8:30 am
"Scanning the kitchen.. Aaaaaaaand Target seen. Beep beep beep, Eyeless Jack a.k.a Ej. Alright, mission; talk-" "Heheh, and now Ej will eliminate (Y/n)" Ej cut me off while I was busy explaing Ej's mission. "Nu! He knows!" I was going to take off until Ej picked me up and started tickling me "Deleting (Y/n) in 10.. 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4..." Ej counted off "No! You can't do that!" I yelled half laughing, "And why not?" He stopped counting... "Cause i'm adorable!" I made an angel face, "Password confirmed" Ej smiled under his mask and went to the fridge getting some red stuff (Kidneys) I sat next to him "What is that? ... Strawberries? Cherries?"
Ej lifted his mask only to see his mouth, taking a bite off of the red thing.. "It's my uh special food that only us Ej's can eat" Ej said sounding stupidly "I want to be an Ej!" I said reaching up for one, "You're too young to actually know what i'm eating." He said in a serious tone, 'Aw he is now serious Ej..' You taught. "Hey what do you look like without the mask???" I said changing subject, "Something terrible.." "It can't be that bad, Uncle Jeff has a red smile and Daddy has stitches.. So it won't be bad" I said trying to convince him to take off his mask. "You sure?" "Yes" .....................................................Silence..........................................................."Boo!" He yelled unexpectedly causing you to scream. "Haha, oh (Y/n) you were so serious about it haha. Maybe some other day I will.. Haha your face" "Ej! Why! Nuuu!" I then laughed with him. "Well i'm going now (Y/n) go play with someone else okay?" He said getting up and patting my head, "I will."
9:00 am
I have talked and played with BEN and Ej... Who else? Hm. Oh and Lj too. A girl with long black hair and a purple hoodie walked past me, "Nina.." She turned around to see me "Oh hi (Y/n). What's wrong?" She kneeled down to my size, I touched her face... Like I did with Jeff when I was still little. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" She giggled, I am bored. "Well, I am bored and there's no one else so want to play with me?" She nodded. 10:00 am
"Okay (Y/n) we played a lot of things now what do you want to do?" Nina asked, "Hm.. Lets bake!" I said cheerfully "Oh.. Bake? You want me to bake?" She said nervously "Yeah! It would be fun though you do know how to cook, right?" "Totally." She replied
10:45 am
Beep Beep Beep
"Fire alarm... Seriously Nina? You didn't knew how long to put the cookies?" I said "I did! I just didn't knew when to take them out..." She looked down. "NINA! (Y/N)!" Slender came into the kitchen mad. "What happened?!" He looked around to see smoke everywhere... And something burning too. "Um.. Masky did it" I said. "Y-yeah and Hoodie too." Nina added in, Slenderman looked at us and went to open the oven just to see burned cookies "These are cookies... It is NOT cheesecake" He closed the oven and crossed his arms, "Mind explaining?" "We were baking .. But turns out Nina didn't knew how.. It's not her fault though." I said playing with my thumbs.... "Who's fault was it, child?" "M-mine.." Nina looked down at me and stood up, "Actually sir it was my fault, I should've said I didn't knew how to cook in the first place, i'm sorry" she said holding my hand ........... "Alright, next time ask someone who knows how to cook... Now that I think about it. No one does." He walked back into his office, "Phew" we both said "Haha" she laughed.
Throughout the whole day I spent my whole time playing with the pastas until my daddy and Uncle Jeff came back at 6:40 pm
"Liu, want coffee?" Uncle Jeff offered my daddy a cup. "Sure." Uncle Jeff walked to daddy and gave him a cup of coffee, "Wait hold up let me go get something." Daddy walked upstairs leaving me and Uncle Jeff alone. I was starting to get sleepy since I played all day, "Want some?" Uncle Jeff offered me. "Sure" I took a sip and it tasted funny but I dranked it anyways, "Hey Jeff this coffee is actually pretty goo-" Liu stopped and saw me drinking coffee. "Jeff! She won't want to sleep later!" Daddy argued, "It's just a cup man" Uncle Jeff shrugged
-End of flashback-
Liu's P.O.V
"(Y/n), i'm sleepy.. I give up." I groaned as I heard giggling coming from the closet, I smiled and opened it "GOTCHA!" I grabbed (Y/n) as she was laughing "Okay now go to sleep." I tugged her into bed. "Dipshit that's my line.." Jeff snapped, "Does it look like I give a fuck? No. So fuck off.", "Hey! I won't let you talk like that in front of my niece." Jeff crossed his arms, "So? You started, also I know Liu loves (Y/n).. I don't care about others.. All I care is death!" Jeff got mad and punched me in the face, "What the fuck!?" What happened to be ME say grabbing my nose. "Oh shit man i'm sorry!" Jeff got a towel and gave it to me, "God .." "Seriously sorry!" Jeff Seriously actually meant it. "Shh. (Y/n) is finally asleep" Jeff looked at her and smiled. We both got out of the room and looked at each other. "Killing spree?" Jeff offered, "Fuck it, let's go" we smiled and jumped out the window.

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