A Day with Jeff

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Jeff's P.O.V
Right now I feel like shit. I haven't been feeling right.. I don't know why. I just need to relax, i'm walking to Liu's room to wake him up, I knocked on his door and he came out yet grumpy since it was 6:15 am, "Ghn, Jeff what do you want?" He yawned, "Um.. What are you going to do today?", "Be with (Y/n).. Duh", "Um.. Can I be with (Y/n) for the whole day?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck... "Sure" and with that he closed the door. "Great!" I went to my room and grabbed a hoodie.. 'I'm going to take (Y/n) on a killing spree.. Yeah she will like it" as I was putting my hoodie I stopped to think, 'Will Liu let me?' I went to Liu's room.. Again. *Knock* *Knock*
*Groan* "Ugh! What now?" He mumbled holding the door knob, "Uh, will you let me take (Y/n) on a killing spree?", he stared at me with a straight face, "No." He was about to close the door but I quickly put my foot in.. Which it did hurt a bit. Ouch, "Killing spree? No I didn't meant that.. I meant um to show her around." I lied, "Show her around?" He raised an eyebrow, "Yeah" He stared at me. "Alright. Just don't let nothing happen to her. Please." "Pfft. I'm her uncle! I'm a great uncle! Of course nothing will happen to her!" I put my hands on my hips, "..Yeah."

"Alright Jeff it's time!" I said to myself, I walked to (Y/n)'s room and knocked on her door, no response.. I opened it and she was still asleep, 'awww..' I walked towards her "Psst, cupcake it's time to wake up" I whispered, she woke up, "Hi Uncle.." She yawned and rubbed her eyes, "Are you ready to spend the day with me?" She jumped up, "Yeah! Will daddy come too?" She asked, "No.. It's just you and me" I helped her up, "Okay"

Me and (Y/n) ate breakfast, while Liu went to go get stuff. "So, where do you want to go?" I asked hoping she will say something like "Kill people", "Hm.. I want to go to the park!" She said jumping up and down her seat, 'the park? With me? I have bloodstains.. Really pale pale skin.. And a carved smile!'.. I'm pretty sure (Y/n) noticed I was a bit insecure about it so she somehow came up with an idea, "Why don't you put on a scarf to hide your smile? Or a cough mask? And then just wash your hoodie and the black hair looks normal.. And the black circles around your eyes can be like that make-up people use.. Eyeliner" I stared at her.. "You know.. That seems like a great idea"

15 minutes later
We were now walking through the woods, while I was holding (Y/n)'s hand. "Where is a nearby park?" She said getting tired, "Not too far." I carried her in my back so she can get a better view since I was tall. "Ooh! I see one! Over there!" She pointed ahead, we stepped inside the park.. 'Geez a lot of brats..' I mumbled so no one could hear me. I sat on a bench next to a tree, as I watched (Y/n) play in the slide, she looked like a normal kid, (F/c) shirt, black skirt, her black shoes, and her hair down with a (F/c) headband. (Y/n) was also a little toddler so she would go up to random kids and adults and say hi.

I was sitting on the bench and I started to get a few stares.. So I put on my hood and hid my face with my bangs.. 'Do I look normal?' I taught.
Later I heard a kid cry.. 'That's not (Y/n)' I went up to see what happened and I saw a little boy on her mum's hands crying.. She went up to me, "Is that your daughter?" She glared at me, "Um no she is my niece.." My voice sounded raspy. "Well can you PLEASE teach your niece manners? She pushed my little boy off the slide!" She raised her voice, 'Haha, (Y/n) pushed him off? Man, that's funny' I taught. I chuckled, "So?" I said, "So?! Your niece pushed my kid off!" She began yelling at me, like a mom yelling at her teenage son. "Uncle he was picking on me!" (Y/n) was sitting on top of the slide with her hands crossed, "Hm, listen my niece said your brat picked on her.. So I don't see why you are making a big deal out of it." I shrugged, then her kid yelled at (Y/n), "Mean!" 'I swear I will make them go to sleep tonight.' I growled. "(Y/n) let's go." I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and walked away with a smile on my face.

9:00 pm
Walking back to the mansion, (Y/n) was playing with her thumbs.. "I'm sorry Unc-" "Are you kidding? That was funny!" I said laughing, "Don't apologize, you were just defending yourself.. Hey (Y/n)" she looked up at me, "Yes?" "You want to pay them a visit?" I grinned, "A visit?" "Kill them." I chuckled.. "Um.." She looked down, "Don't tell your dad okay?" And with that I grabbed (Y/n) and ran to the neighborhood... And there they were. "Okay, i'll do the work.. Here take this please." I gave her my spare knife and rushed to their house. I saw the mother with the dad as they were getting ready to sleep.. "Heheh." "Goodnight" I heard them say.. I crashed into the window and stabbed them , blood splattering everywhere. "Hahah! Go to sleep!" I laughed insanely.. I carved a smile on each of them, I got up and as I was finding the boys room I heard a cry.. 'That's him' I ran to where the crying was and I found (Y/n) on to of him.. Dead! 'Are you kidding?!? (Y/n) killed him!!!' "Hi uncle" she got off of him and gave me my knife.. I giggled, "That's my little killer.." I patted her head. We ran back to the mansion before cops could find us.

-At the mansion-
"Liu is still not here." I said to myself. I went to give (Y/n) a shower so Liu wouldn't see any blood stains on her, I also threw my clothes and hers to the washing machine and I simply just put on some jeans and a black T-shirt and (Y/n) was wearing a (F/c) shirt and black skirt.  "Uncle, I had fun today" she gave me a hug, "me too.. It's getting late you should go to sleep.. Heheh that sounded weird." She smiled, "Goodnight, I love you" then she skipped to her room.. I am a great uncle. I chuckled.
The door slammed open and Liu came in, "How'd it go?" He asked, "Great"
I looked at him.. "It was fun"

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