[4] A Mouth That Cannot Kiss

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A/N: even though i update pretty frequently these days, don't be too happy just yet xD I probably won't be updating in the whole of July and probably august, and after that i'll be back in school (freshman year! it'll take some time to get used to) but please be patient! I've got great plans for this fic :) 


 Perrie paces around in her flat for the rest of the night, replaying what Jade said to her again and again in her mind. "You think too highly of yourself, Perrie Edwards."

First of fucking all, she can think of ten thousand comebacks she could've used, but she knows that Jade wouldn't have been fazed by any of them, anyway. She can't avoid Jade forever - she's not that stupid. Management will of course push them together due to the insane reaction from the Mixers today. They'd set off two top trends on Twitter, much to Perrie's chagrin. (#JerrieIsReal has to be the worst, most unoriginal hashtag out there. #LMLoveWins wasn't any better).

Perrie has another meeting tomorrow, in which she will of course see Jade. The blonde spends the rest of the night brainstorming ideas - not ideas for the PR stunt, but ideas on riling Jade up. She gives up ten minutes later - why is she even thinking about that fake bitch? She is not worth her time.

Instead, she rings Leigh-Anne. They are sort of friends, right? Friends that send each other sassy emojis and talk shit about fake bitches all the time. The other girl answers on the first ring. "Hello?"

"It's, uh, it's Perrie."

"What's up?" Leigh-Anne says it so casually. She's munching on something on the other line - crisps, probably. Perrie looks inside her empty refrigerator and sighs out wistfully.

"Is your..., um, boyfriend staying over at your flat tonight?" Perrie bites down on her lip, looks at the contracts and papers scattered messily all over her desk.

"Perrie," Leigh-Anne starts to laugh. "I broke up with him like, about three weeks ago. Were you even listening?"

"Guess I was too drunk," Perrie admits sheepishly. "Can I crash at your flat for the night?"

Leigh-Anne doesn't hesitate. "Yeah. Sure. Problem at yours?"

"It's too suffocating," Perrie confesses. "I need to get some space."

"You can take the guest room. Come on over." Leigh-Anne asks no more questions, and hangs up. Perrie breathes out a sigh of relief, grabs what she needs for tomorrow, and heads over to Leigh-Anne's flat with Jade's words echoing behind her in the emptiness of her flat.

When she knocks on the door just minutes later (it's a five minute walk from her flat to Leigh-Anne's), the door swings open without a second's delay. Leigh-Anne's shoving yet another pastry into her mouth - Perrie wonders how the hell she stays fit. Everything Perrie eats goes straight to her thighs - that's why she has to control her diet.

"Hi! I made the bed for you already."

"Thanks, Leigh-Anne," Perrie says quietly.

"You want some pastries? It'll keep your mind off the heavy stuff," Leigh-Anne explains as she hands a whole box to Perrie, who just takes one gratefully.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to talk, or?" Leigh-Anne gestures to the couch, which is littered with beer cans and crisp bags just like yesterday. Perrie drops her bag on the ground and gingerly sits on the dusty surface. Leigh-Anne joins her and passes her a Budweiser.

"...nah, just...I just have a lot to think about, that's all." Perrie turns her face to the ceiling, feeling Leigh-Anne's eyes on her questioningly. "She's confusing me."

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