Chapter One...
This chapter is dedicated to an awesome friend of mine who makes me smile and is just as crazy and mad as i am, and understands me 100% inside out..... O.O <3<3
It all started back when I didn't give a fuck, Back when I relied on only myself, and didn't care, what people thought of me or my friends or what twats we looked like... funny how things change. isn't it?
"Demi Leanne Jones!" I heard my mum calling from the bottom of the stairs,
"Here Now!"
"Fine!" I said in an 'I give up' tone,
Why the fuck she made us move in the first place I'll never know. Anyway I groaned my way out of bed and shuffled my pathetic legs to the top of the stairs and plonked myself on the top step.
"Yeah? "
"Will you be able to watch Toby for a few-?" I interrupted her...
Toby's my computer/game obsessed little brother who is unfortunately related to me, yes I know what you're thinking poor me. I remember he cried once I think it was last week, because I beat him at monopoly, He's 11 by the way!
"And why not?" she said that in that 'you're going to do it anyway' tone that all parents use,
"Because he's a pathetic excuse of a human"
"do not talk about him like that, he's your brother!"
To be fair I couldn't give two shits...
"I'm not arguing with you! I'll be home at 8 Ok?"
"Ugh" I groaned "Where u off to anyway?" I asked like I was interested, I knew she was going to see James she always does on a Friday night, to her salsa group.
"Out with James"
Told ya.
"Oh whoopee! On a date?" I announced sarcastically,
"No he and I are just good friends, ok? You satisfied? Anyway your only 16 your still a baby, you have a lot to learn about love and relationships and-"
"MUM!" I yelled, shaking my head vigorously like it was about to blow. "No save me the torture of 'the talk'? please!" I begged,
"Ok you can't avoid this forever"
Yeah like I don't already know everything there is to know about sex and drugs and relationships.
I looked at my phone to see the time, 2:15. I smirked and said in a smart sounding voice " mother I find that if you look at your watch, you will be most surprised to see that its 2:15pm and your 'lift' was here 5 minutes ago, he will be waiting outside for you, I'm sure" I smiled a cheeky grin and said very childishly "Have Fuuun!"
The car horn beeped three times holding on the last one and she ran out the door to the car... leaving me with the freak-a-zoid!
I heard footsteps,
"Can you move...?" I heard coming from behind me, I turned around and
"Oh it's you."
"Yeah can you move? I need a drink."
"What game you playing this time?" I asked out of curiosity,
"None of your business, can you just hurry up and move for god's sakes!"
"Fine, fine" I shuffled over to let his scrawny body stroll past me,
Could have sworn I'm older than him, with that I crawled back to my room on my hands and knees, what? I'm too lazy to walk it! I heard the tap running downstairs in the kitchen, it stopped and I heard Toby march up the stairs like a toy soldier.

What he wants...
Teen FictionHay... Im Demi Leanne Jones, before Kai left me, my life was a friggin rollar coaster. Jumping on and off of the relationship with him. His sister was the biggest bitch of em all, but it was all right, i got grades had a cute boyfriend from time to...