Chapter Two...
This chapter is dedicated to another one of my best friends for inspiring me to write<3<3
I was sitting there, lifeless. Strapped and gagged with a red bandanna tied tightly to a chair, in what looked like an old worn warehouse.
One blindingly white spotlight shining brightly down on me, there were boxes and dull metal cabinets, stairs and bannisters like you would find in a factory...
Panicking for help I was shaking and wiggling my shoulders like crazy fighting for freedom, trying so hard to escape, but nothing was working... I was screaming but no-one could hear me.
"You dirty piece of shit, there is no way in hell that ide go anyhere near you! You look like a homeless, insecure, vile excuse of a living... Well... thing" said a woman's brittle voice,
"Hahahahaaa I mean... have u seen the state of her? She's like an Emo version of Chuck Norris! Eugh I feel physically sick!" said another hazy female voice, both voices started laughing getting louder and more clear as the laughing dragged on like it would never end.
My head was spinning, a mix of black and aluminous pink and yellow with green, blue, purple and red all blending together making a never ending swirl of bright colours I feel my head following the pattern of circles following the direction of the colours..........
'Gasp!!!' catching my breath I woke up, screaming and sweating buckets a second, my mum burst through the door.
"Babe are you alright? You must have had one of those nightmares again, I thought they would have stopped by now it's been nearly 2 years!"
She strolled over and sat next to me on the edge of my bed, I started crying hysterically and rested my head on her shoulder, She put her hand around my shoulder embracing my fears saying...
"It's ok I'm here, ok? Don't worry about it; you have been getting these since you were little... I think I will have to book another psychiatrist for you to go and talk to later on"
"-Mum wh-what time is it?" I asked, my eyes still full of tears, sniffling between each word,
"Its 3:15 in the morning babe, I think I will keep you off today, there's something wrong with these nightmares, there is no way they could have gone for such a long time and suddenly just come back to visit... I'm going to go and book the psychiatrist ok? I will only be downstairs... do u want to come with me so you're not on your own?"
I nodded rapidly and shuffled up and off my bed to follow her.
Yeah I know I'm a 15 year old having nightmares and I'm kind of over reacting a little, because it's not all that bad, right? But I have been getting these for so long now and I can't deal much longer with them...
I grabbed a blanket from under the dog (a little white jack Russell, called Milo) and yanked it from underneath him; I picked him up and hugged him tightly and he tried to lick me but I avoided it by pulling my head back, I cuddled him once more and wrapped the blanket tightly around me and him.
Following her like a hypnotised child holding a dog wrapped in a blanket i trailed behind her standing where she stood. I admire my mum shes coped as a single mum, in a way im proud of her coping with toby... i aint that much of a problem i never used to be this agressive or angry or 'individual' infact i was girlie, popular and nerdy in a way, i had my own fashion sence and got along with everyone but since. well since that day i lost it, went out of my mind, panacked, went slightly crazy too. woops.
I walked into the kitchen that was kinda big, there was the coffee machine, blender, microwave, cooker, deep fat fryer, tostie machine, toaster, kettle and nearly every kitchen appliance you could think of all squished into well kinda big kitchen, i walked through the door and out through the arch into the dining room with the sound of the coffee machine and a very active toby.
"Toby what the fuck are you doing up this early?" i looked in his hand, a can of Mountain Jew rested in his hand laughing at me, just great, im scared shittless having a panack attack, tobys hypo, mums drinking coffee! she doesnt even like coffee! my eyes started shutting and a black haze filled the room. i fainted. Still clutching onto milo tightly i loosened my grasp, he jumped at toby and luckily he caught him and dropped his can, I hit the floor. And blacked out.
When i finally woke up, i was on the couch in broad daylight, looking like a messed up girlie peice of shit, almost like what i used to be like before i lost it. my eyes were still ajusting the haze into a clear enough picture for me to see where i was. I shuffled up so i was sitting upright and glanced over at the chair opposite me looked at the floor and back up at the chair.
"Kai? What the fuck are you doing here! Why are you in my house? What are y- I mean how are you doing? errr..."
"Cool it, Ok?"
"Tell me im dreaming again, please, tell me im dreaming!!"
"Fine ill go"
"No, no, no! its just a surprise to see you! I mean after everything that has happned, and you moving away and-"
He stood up briskly, looking at me, right at me. But not in my eyes?
"Errrm... care to explain?" i asked, it sounded kinda bitchy, but hey he asked for it.
I started blinking every second, and my finger was automatically wrapped in my hair... Oh great ive gone all girlie again! pull yourself together demi!
"Oh, Sorry uve just changed alot thats all"
He sounds so calm, so cocky like he always fuckin' has been. But i guess thats y i always end up falling for him! because he doesnt care and makes you feel safe and calm, ughh i dont know what to do!
"Whats that supposed to mean? in a good way? bad way? Am I-"
The room has started spinning again and now he has 6 faces. I flopped my head in my hands, lightly rubbing my temples.
He rushed over to me, sat on the edge of the couch leaning over me to help me on my back.
"Are you okay?" he said it almost like he was worrying about me!
Bad timing Toby, Bad Timing!
"Cool it Toby" Kai blurted out.
"Kai and Demi sittin in a tree, K I S S I N G!!!"
"FUCK OFF TOBY" i snapped.
"Shhhh" he shook his head and placed a finger on my lips "you'll make it worse"
He reached over to the bowl full of ice cold water and grabbed the flannel off the table, he diped the flannel into the bowl, twisted it so it drained out the majority of the water till it was damp, folded it, and placed it lightly on my forehead.
"Thanks" I sighed
"Any time" he grinned, his eyes were locked on mine for a breif second he started breathing heavily as his eyes started scanning my face, he was still leaning over me but now we were more face to face. he leaned in slowly closing his eyes, I coppied and his soft lips were once again on mine with my hand rested on his cheek bone his lips always were the perfect moisture.
"Eughhhhh!!" Toby yelled.
He pulled away smiling and turned his head to look at toby standing in the door way "its always bad timing with u isnt it?"
"Yeup" he smirked and skipped away seeming quite content with himself.
Kai turned back to face me still smiling his perfect smile, he kissed my cheek and announced that he had to go.
He stood up once again and headed to the door, he stopped in the door way smiled over his shoulder and left.
Why did u do that Demi? You know your going to fall for him again and you also know you have got to fight Molly off again if you DO fall for him again, what are you going to do tomorrow? what are you going to wear? SNAP OUT OF IT! Just go in like always, high skirt, skull bag and curly hair, go in like nothing has happned!

What he wants...
Teen FictionHay... Im Demi Leanne Jones, before Kai left me, my life was a friggin rollar coaster. Jumping on and off of the relationship with him. His sister was the biggest bitch of em all, but it was all right, i got grades had a cute boyfriend from time to...