Chapter 12 A home... finally

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  The three of them were walking to Aozora's and the boy's house. The long-haired girl stole glances to the short-haired one, who walked behind them with her head hanging down and her arms wrapped around her own torso, as if she was hugging herself. They walked on silence.

  'Poor girl... that must've destroyed her heart...' thought Aozora.

  And it was true. The girl's heart ached because he wouldn't recognize her and he was being very defensive.

  'It's not his fault. Ater all, the last time we saw he was very little...' she thought. 'And my appearance is not the best... ' she sighed. 'But... it still hurts...'

  The kid seemed to be somewhat ashamed by his reaction and by not knowing the person that knew him and loved him so much. I mean, they had even defended him and confronted the bullies that always hurt him  and he didn't even knew their name. He didn't know what to do or even think about that.  He had to apologize and thank for their help, but... How to be sure that they weren't just acting like they were someone else? How to be sure they were trustworthy?

  They got to the house. Aozora smiled at the thought of her mother's reaction to this unexpected visit. She turned to the girl.

  "Hide!" She wispered, smiling as if they were playing a prank.

  She obeyed, hiding herself behind one of the walls of the house, ending somewhat far away. She nodded, telling Aozora that she was ready. Aozora answered with another nod and knocked on the door and opened it. The kid was confused.

  'Why do they get along so well?'

  "Mom, we're home!" Aozora exclaimed towards the house and let her brother pass, she standing next to the door.

  "Hello, sweetheart!" A sweet and feminine voice greeted from the other room. "How was your day?"

  "Fine... Hey, mom, could you come for a moment, please?"

  "What for?"

  "Just come, please."

  A sigh was heard. Footsteps were heard afterwards.

  Aozora smiled.

  "Yes, dear?" Said a woman of average height, hair as black as the night sky with some white strands here and there, pale skin and eyes the color of liquid metal. Her skin seemed somewhat damaged, her eyes had small bags under them and were a bit droopy from sadness more than because of tiredness. In her sincere smile, there could be seen a little bit of sadness and longing, and in her eyes, that something was missing.

  "Well, I just wanted to tell you that a new student was included in the classroom today..."

  "Oh, really?" Smiled kindly the mother. "And how are they?"

  "She's nice, I think you would like her, " smiled Aozora, she couldn't help it, she wanted them to see each other again.

  The woman laughed softly.

  "You think? Well, maybe I can get to know her one of these days, " the mother turned around to go back to doing what she had left.

  Aozora took her by her wrist.

  "Wait! Er... and... and if today was that day?"

  The mother's eyes widened and turned to see her, surprised.

  "Darling, look at the house! No, what were you thinking of?! Did you bring her?!"

  Aozora smiled, mischief in her face.

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