Chapter One: A Hero's Goodbye and a Villain's Return

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I watched as my brother faded away, my heart in my throat. Maybe it was time to let him go, but I sure as hell didn't want to. We'd been through everything together. And now... Now I was on my own.

I watched Cas sadly, his trembling fingers playing with the ring on his left hand. He just got Dean back. They just got married. And he'll never see him again.

"Cas?" I whispered. "What are we gonna do now?"

He was silent as he stared across the field. He started walking away from me, but Gabe put a gentle hand on my arm before I could stop him. "Just let him be, Sam," he said softly.

I nodded, watching my brother-in-law gather two large planks of wood. Tearing a vine from a nearby tree, he formed a cross  with the sticks. As he walked back to us, I could see how puffy and red his eyes were.

Cas fell to his knees and shoved the cross into the ground where Dean had vanished. I knelt down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned and sobbed into my chest, his fists balling around my shirt.

"I'm so sorry, Cas," I whispered. He only cried harder, his shuddering sobs the only acknowledgement I got in return. We sat together for hours, staring blankly at the cross and crying in each other's arms.

Gabe disappeared after a while, returning a few minutes later. He held a pet carrier in his hands, with something moving inside. "Cassie?" His little brother looked up. "I got you something. Thought it might help to cheer you up a little."

He set the carrier down and opened the door, a tiny puppy running out. He had tan fur and a strange pair of bright green eyes. I could've sworn that it was Dean. The dog ran to Cas and started licking his tear-stained face. Cas laughed sadly, cradling the puppy.

I crossed my legs, watching the puppy run around Cas. He laughed, chasing the dog with his hands. "What's his name?"

Gabe shrugged, sitting in my lap. "That's up to you."

Cas looked at the animal, a fresh tear rolling down his cheek as he stared into its green eyes. Even I noticed the depth of the color, pain and tragedy lurking beneath the surface. "How does Kylo sound? Dean always wanted to see the new Star Wars movie."

"I think it's perfect," I said. "Gabe, his eyes. Why do they look so much like Dean's?"

The archangel sighed. "I thought having a small piece of him would be comforting. It's just a little bit of angel mojo."

Cas nodded, scratching behind Kylo's ears. "You're right. Thank you, Gabe."

We sat in silence once again, Kylo curling up in Cas' lap after a while. Suddenly, the earth rumbled, a large cloud of black swirling over them. "The Darkness," I gasped.

Amara appeared, a look of angry betrayal on her face. "We need to chat."

"About what?" I asked, standing up.

She looked up at me, my height not fazing her. "Where is Dean?"

"Nowhere. Everywhere. You pick."

A tendril of black smoke hoisted me off of the ground by my neck. "I'll ask again. Where. Is. Dean?" With each word, the grip around my throat got tighter and tighter. "Lie again, and I'll snap your neck."

"He's not lying!" Gabe shouted. "Dean gave up his eternity. He's a nothing. Not even you could bring him back."

Amara narrowed her eyes, dropping me to the ground. "We'll see about that."

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