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What you need to know:

(Y/N) = Your name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(F/F) = Favorite food

(F/M/S)= Favorite movie/show

(S/F/C) = Second favorite color

(L/N) = Last name

(H/L)=Hair length

(H/C)= Hair Color

This list will be updated throughout the chapters. ^-^ Enjoy!



Y/N P.O.V.

I walk out of the room because I finished doing my stuff. When I get out I see Travis leaning against the wall. He looks over at me and smiles at what i'm wearing . I blush and turn to go back inside the room.

"Y/N wait." He says.

"What.. I just..uh... forgot to get something." I say.

"Mhmm, what else could you need."

"U-um.... I NEED KATELYN!" I nervously laugh and literally run back into the room. I should have never wore this cosplay.. It doesn't look good on me...

"Oh please Y/N you look HOT!" Lucinda says, I face-palm myself.

"Did I say that out loud...." I say.

"Yea....you kinda did." Katelyn said. I sigh and sit on the bed waiting for the others.

"I just think that maybe it's way to tight... " I let out.

"Aww, it looks perfect on you." Katelyn cheers me up. 

 I smile and hug Katelyn, "Thanks that really helped me." I chuckle.

I get off the bed and head out the door again, and Travis was still the only one out there. I smiled at him and walked toward him.

"Why'd you leave me?" Travis asked.

"Oh... No Reason!" I said quickly. 

"Mhmm Ok.... Anyway you look Amazing in that cosplay." He winked at me and I glared at him.

"Yeah.... thanks" I mummbled. 

"Do you want to head out and do something together? Everyone else is taking forever." Travis said.

"Sure." I smile and we intertwine our fingers so we are holding hands. 

"I barely realized that this is the first time we have ever held hands since we started dating." Travis added.

"Wow, that means we must spend more time together... that sucks." I say playfully.

"Excuse me? I actually enjoy spending time with you." He says with a smile which makes me blush.

"And I GUESS I like spending time with you." I say and smile back at him. We leave the hotel and we go get breakfast at some weird place near the convention. I thought we were going to be the only ones with cosplays on in the restaurant but... we weren't there were others with cosplays on eating. I sighed in relief and we took our seats  in a small booth in the corner.

"So.... I don't really know much about you hun so why don't you start talking." I say as I stare at him and grin.

"Well, what do you want to know?" He asks.

"Hmmmm, what High school did you go to?" I ask.

"I went to Phoenix drop high." He said casually. 

"You did?" 


"Well I did to but I never saw you around." I said.

"Well that's good you didn't see me around because honestly I was a nervously wreck." 

"Oh?" I giggle and he holds my hands from across the table. We play with each others hands until our food comes, we eat then we leave to the convention. 

"Hey Travis?" 


"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then will you buy me this figurine." I smile.

"I can't believe your just using me for my money! How dare you Y/n I have feelings to!" Travis said dramatically.

I giggle and he ends up buying me the figurine anyway because he really does love me ;). 

"Thank you I owe you big time!" I smile.

"You owe me aye?" He smirked. I punched his shoulder and he stopped. We go around the convention some more and we end up finding the others, we all decided to go buy some merchandise before the convention ended, once we finished buying everything we could possibly need... well not really BUT after we finished buying or stuff we decided to head out to a park and have a picnic there. Aphmau, Katelyn, Garroth, Zane , and Kawaii~Chan went to buy the food while me, Travis, Laurance, Aaron, and Lucinda went to put all of our stuff back in the hotel and find a good place at the park to eat at. We arrive at the hotel soon after we parted and put everything away that we bought.

We get a blanket to sit on and anything else we would need for a picnic. We head out and go to the park by walking because it wasn't that far away from our hotel. We split up into different groups to search because the park was pretttttyyyyy BIGGG, Me and Travis went our own way, Laurance, Aaron and Lucinda went a different way. Me and Travis found a pretty good place under a big oak tree, it showed a good view of the parks small lake. Aph and the others came and found us and we started setting up for our picnic.



Alright so i'm sorry this is short I really was in a hurry. Also I am terribly sorry for not updating for a few days, I had things to do and I had problems to. Some of those problems involved my laptop. My laptop is old but is still fast as hell, but yesterday it started having problems with power stuff and wifi situations. Now My wifi is pretty swell. But my laptop only connects to t when it wants to and trust me i've tried EVERYTHING! same with the power stuff, it wont charge at all and My charger is in pretty good shape. So it charges when it wants to. Right now I got lucky like really lucky. I will still be trying my hardest to update all of my books with what i'm dealing with. SO updates may be spreaded out, like maybe one week there may not be one but there will be one on the following week.

I'm working on getting something new to work on so I can finish my books and do work on my laptop that I need to get done. So please excuse the slowwww updates. Also i would love to thank you guys for 100+ Reads its... amazing. And After the convention thing in the present chapters, You guys are going to love love paradise probably in chapter 11 or 12. Look out for that I really cant wait to write it. Anyway thank you for reading my things and I hope you understand what I'm going through atm. Thanks for understanding.



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