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What you need to know:

(Y/N) = Your name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(F/F) = Favorite food

(F/M/S)= Favorite movie/show

(S/F/C) = Second favorite color

(L/N) = Last name

(H/L)=Hair length

(H/C)= Hair Color

(F/IC) = Favorite ice cream flavor.

(F/CB) = Favorite Cereal Brand

This list will be updated throughout the chapters. ^-^ Enjoy!

A/N at the end.


Y/N P.O.V.

"Talk?" Aphmau questioned.

"Yes, now Mija, do you have a boy friend?" Her mother asked and Aphmau hesitated.

"N-no I don't mom, I'm an independent woman!" She laughed nervously and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Isn't Aaron your boy friend?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yeah but I'm not ready to tell my mom." Aphmau whispers back.

"Well then I guess getting grand babies will take longer than I expected." Aphmau's mom sighed and Aphmau Blushed and I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"G-Grand Babies?!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"Yeah, I want some from you.. why you don't want any?" She asked.

"No no I would love to have babies some day but not right now pfftft" Aphmau smiled at her mom.

"Then We'll go boy hunting for you gurl!" Her mom said happily and I snorted, and Aphmau elbowed my side. My dad came in with drinks and sat down next to Aph's mom.

"What were you ladies talking about while I was gone." My dad said.

"Oh, you know Grand babies and such." Aphmau's mom said.

"Well I'm just saying this now, whoever dare tries to make any moves on my cupcake, they'll suffer." My dad states and my eyes widen and Aphmau smiles. 

"Are you ok Y/N dear, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Aph's mom said.

"O-oh Y-yeah I'm Just f-fine." I stutter and smile at both of them.

"If you don't mind me asking cupcake, I overheard you two talking about some kind of protection. What's that all about." My dad asks and I blush and hesitate.

"I-I um, We." I started.

"We were talking about sunscreen and how good it is at protecting our skin from the sun's radiation." Aphmau smiles and I sigh in relief. 

"Oh, well that's good to know that you two are careful." He said.

"WELL ME AND APH LEFT THE OVEN ON, GOTTA GO! BYE WE LOVE YOU TWO!" I yell and I grab Aphmau and dash out of the house, we run back into ours and I faceplant on the sofa.

"That was embarrassing, but thanks for the help Aph I owe you." I groan.

"No problem.... future sister." She smiles and I smile to.

"I can't believe they are dating." I chuckle and she sits next to me.

"Yeah, Can I ask you something?" Aph says.

"mmhm." I hum into the sofa cushion. 

"What happened between your mom and dad?" She asked and I sighed.

"Well when I was 15 they got a divorce because they started arguing a lot 3 years before about money and caring for me and my brother. My father left because he couldn't deal with my mom anymore and I still love him even though he left me behind... I was a daddy's girl, but my brother left 3 years later with his girlfriend which is his wife now to travel. I was alone with my mom and I guess life got easier because it was just the two of us.." I said.

"Thanks for sharing with me. I really Appreciate it." Aph smiled.

"I appreciate your existence future sister." I said and rolled on Aph's lap and she poked me over and over again.

"Awe thats sweet but you can get off me now." She said and continued to poke. "I won't stop poking you until you do." She giggled.

"Now I know how Travis feels." I mumble quietly and I get off and roll on the floor, soon Aphmau joins me to. (I'm reallllyy lazy so pretend you already met Ivy and Teony.)


"BUT HE'S GOING TO KILL MEEEEEE!" Travis whined and I literally dragged him to Aph's mom and my dad's house next door.

"Maybe he will but it has to be done and we're already here anyway so no turning back now." I say and I walk in with Travis and Aphmau's mom sees us. 

"Hey Travis! And Y/n what brings you two here?" She asks and I smile at her.

"Is my dad here by any chance?" I ask.

"Yeah I'll get him just make yourself at home." She smiles and I drag Travis to their dining table. I sit next to Travis and my dad walks in and smiles at me, but when he saw Travis he looked like he was going to kill someone. 

"Hey dad!" I laugh nervously and he takes a seat across from us.

"Hi cupcake, who is this boy?" He asks and Travis hesitates.

"Hello Mr. L/N, I'm T-travis." He stuttered and I grab Travis's hand under the table and I interlock our fingers.

"Are you a friend of my cupcake?" My dad asks seriously.

"No." I say and my dad gives me a look.

"Is he your best friend then?" My dad asks again.

"No.... dad Travis is, my boyfriend." I say nervously, he sighs.

"Alright then... Travis I already don't like you but since my cupcake likes you, I'll accept you for now." He says and I smile, Travis lets out a sigh of relief. "But." My dad adds and Travis freezes in place. "If you make ANY moves on my cupcake, You'll be six feet underground." He states.

"Dad." I whine and he smiles.

"Anyways you two better be going, it's getting late." He says and I nod and drag Travis outside.

"He doesn't like me Y/N thats bad." He groans and I frown.

"He was just kidding babe I know he likes you. He just doesn't want to show it." I say and peck Travis's lips, he smiles.

"Did you just call me Babe?" He smirks and I blush.

"Shut up, I didn't know what I was saying." I pout and he chuckles.

"Yeah sure." He says and kisses my head and we walk back to the house.

WELP that was probably a boring chapter but DO NOT WORRY, since Aphmau's new series thing (The camp thiing that came out today) I'll be moving them into the camp thing and continue from there! sorry I didn't update for a day or two, I got busy with PokEmon Go. -3- I hope you enjoyed! Bye bye 030 <333333


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