Chapter 1:

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"Now can someone please tell me who Mary the first is?", Mrs. Towers asked.

History was always interesting, many aren't usually fond of history but on the contrary, many are too ignorant to listen and not open enough to hear the interesting parts of it. I knew exactly who Mary the first was but waited for the teacher to explain because she's better at it than me, plus no one loves a know it all.

"No one? Mary also is known as Bloody Mary burned people alive if they weren't Catholic", Mrs. Towers explained.

Mary was the original savage back in the day. The teacher soon turned on a video based on Bloody Mary.

I eyed Maria across the table from me. "Sucks for them, I'd hate burning to death by some psychopath queen." Maria just smirked as a reply. Maria was probably one of my closer friends, our relationship consisted of sassy remarks, talking about boys, and making fun of each other.

The other people at the table were two guys who were already knocked out sleeping before the video barely started. One of the guys was Jason who was extremely good looking, but I just saw him as a pothead loser going nowhere in life. I hate how girls fantasize about guys who think it's cool to ruin their lungs and are careless about anything.

Next to Maria was Alex, and was coincidentally her biggest crush. Alex was appealing to the eye but was also the most arrogant person I've ever met.  He was newer to this school coming in during our Junior year. He came from California where it was always sunny, to Washington, where it was usually cloudy. Despite being new, he still ended up making friends with the more popular crowd and became one of the heart-throbs at this school.

When they sat next to Maria and I a couple of weeks back she was so ecstatic to have some of the hottest guys sit next to us, but I knew otherwise. They only copied our homework and test answers, but I never told that to Maria. I let her think they sat next to us because they might fall in love with us, so cliche, and so unreal.

Maria also had a joke that I was in a relationship with the school and that wasn't completely a lie. I wouldn't consider myself a nerd but that I took my future seriously, unlike Jason and Alex. As much as I hated them I cared about Maria's feelings more. I focused back on the screen where Bloody Mary had people on stakes burning people on them. Not even she was doing it, she had people do it for her. If you're going to kill someone just do it yourself, it's pathetic to not do your own dirty work. But then again she was rich, powerful, and sadly got away with it.

That's when everything went black. The screen blacked out, along with the lights, and the daylight that should flood in from the windows was not visible.

"Everyone stay calm", Mrs. Towers said. The teachers voice quivered a little when she said it.

   That's when I heard the cries and screams throughout the building. Even though I couldn't see a thing through the black darkness I could hear everything. The fear throughout the building was the only visible thing so far. I've never been scared of much because I knew the inevitable. I've come to the conclusion that most fears are irrational. Take being afraid of heights, such as, it's not the height that you're afraid of, but the falling from the height itself that usually scares most. 

  This situation I'm in is different from the inevitable. It's not an everyday thing that everything turns black, a matter of fact that never happens.

The unknown is probably the scariest thing to me. Not knowing the outcome, and what's even scarier than not knowing what's happening is what could be the potential outcome. The possibilities your imagination can come up with can lead you to be terrified. So instead of thinking of every bad situation I could be in, I do the exact opposite, because no one gets anywhere by crying about it, I learned that the hard way. 

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