Critique: TheAlmightySpringpai

366 21 12

This photo is absolutely adorable!!

I really don't have much of a critique for it, as it is mostly good and is a very well suited style.

Although I will say the eyes are a bit too far apart.

It looks alright at this angle, but imagine in she were to turn her head and you were to see her eyes.

It looks alright at this angle, but imagine in she were to turn her head and you were to see her eyes

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I corrected some things.

Like the other side of her face, I suggest sketching out body proportions before doing the actual lineart itself. I also moved the neck a bit for it seemed to be holding the head in a wrongful position.

 I also moved the neck a bit for it seemed to be holding the head in a wrongful position

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Also work on your "chest/breast placement". The body seemed crooked off on the shoulders.

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