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Sorry it's long or not. Hope you love this story so far. Anyway who does everyone have for the Money In The Bank matches.

Match time:

I saw AJ and the kids, "I heard that your walking down by yourself and your on commentary." I nodded and gave AJ a kiss on the cheek. Roman was standing there.

"Don't say anything stupid Andrea" I rolled my eyes, "Roman I'm a interviewer for a living and you say don't say anything stupid. Good Luck big bro!" an I kissed him on the cheek. 

After both guys went out the kids including JoJo ran up to me and gave me a hug, "Good luck Andrea." I smiled an told them to wait with Trinity, Becky and Noelle. 

My song came on and everyone went wild, the atmosphere was exciting. 

"Coming down is reporter/interviewer Andrea A'noai sister to Roman Reigns and the girlfriend to AJ Styles we have been told. Miss Andrea is going to be on commentary with us during this match." I heard JBL say to everyone.

"WOW she looks hot in person." Brandon said I glared at him.

"I guess don't say that around her, Roman or worse AJ might come over an punch you out." I sat on one of the black seats and put on the headset.

"Nice to meet you Andrea! This match is basically about you isn't." I laughed and said "Yeah you can say that, but whoever wins this match I hope that we all can move passed it." I said. 

The match started and Roman didn't waste no time, he began punch AJ. "So Andrea who would you like to actually win this match?" I looked at Byron, "I don't want to pick sides I just want this match to be over with and in the past." 

AJ has the upper-hand now, he put Roman for the count but Roman kicked out. "Come on baby." I said, "So you're going to AJ." JBL asked I shook my head.

Roman picked up AJ and through him down on the mat an picked him back up and soamon dropped him. "one, two, kick out by AJ." Jerry the king lawler said.

"Almost big bro." I said, "So you're going for Roman?" I shook my head again, "Who are you going for?" I looked at JBL. "I'm going for both, they are both great competitors. I want AJ to win but also Roman." I took off the headset and walk closer to the ring.

"Andrea that one is fiesty one but she really just has to pick one of these guys." JBL said.

"Andrea leave AJ and go with Dean.", "No Andrea don't listen to any of them be with your true love. Go AJ Styles." I smiled an saw AJ go for the Styles Clash but Roman countered and made AJ flip over the first rope but lucky he landed an got back up.

"Andrea here sit." AJ pulled the seat I was sitting at for commentary. I smiled at him, but Roman come up behind and speared him. I got up.

"Andrea you deserve better then this piece of trash." I glared at him, "I'm perfectly fine being with him." I yelled. Before Roman could say anything. AJ pushed him and made Roman slam into the steel steps. 

"That will hurt in the morning." I heard Jerry say. "This one is for you baby." AJ yelled to me, I watched him leap off the barricade doing Phenomenal forearm, he connected it to him and that made Roman lean against the side of the ring.

AJ got into the ring and began pulling Roman. "I'm not going to have my sister date someone like you. So beat me fare an square." I heard Roman say. 

"Fine then here you go." AJ was going to try the Styles Clash again but Roman countered yet again and made it to his feet and speared AJ and tried to pin. AJ just made it to kick out. 

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