Chapter 5

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Sup my story isn't cool ok enjoy THISSS bC YAAS

I attempt to scream for help but it sounds like a silent scream. I'm too panicked and worried about what's going to happen. I lost the boys back there by out running them. So I guess I will just lie here and slowly die. I sang some of my favorite songs , Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez was stuck in my head so I sang it. I thought about memories and all my dark times. In my last memory , I remembered meeting Calum , Michael , Ashton and Luke . I smiled faintly before everything went black. But before it did I could have sworn I heard my name. Oops too late.


"Diana ? " a deep accented voice called to me . It seemed so close , yet so far away. "Ashton you retard she can't hear you , she's sleeping ." Another accent spoke . So the boys were here , but why do they think I'm sleeping ? Aren't I dead? I hear an annoying beeping sound next to me. I then had a feeling to open my eyes , I did and that's when everything was such a blur but so clear .

My vision wasn't that great and my head hurt really badly. I had 5 pairs of eyes staring right at me. "What are you all staring at?" I looked around and took in my surroundings . I tried not to freak out , well this is great I'm not dead. I was laying in a hospital bed , apparently newly fixed from my head concussion . "We are surprised you woke up, the doctor said you shouldn't be awake till the evening" Adam was talking but in a worried tone ."What happened?" I was actually really curious I remembered tripping and hitting my head , but nothing more nothing less. Oh wait , and the time I took to say bye to my life . Yep . That's all.

"When you ran off from us ..." Michael started . "Again.." Ashton coughed . I muttered a sorry and let Michael continue . "You ran far but we knew exactly where you were headed . You couldn't see us in the distance but we saw you. When we got to the park you were laying on the floor . Blood coming from your head and unconscious . We quickly brought you here and you awoke just now from last night , it's 12:03 pm." He seemed exactly honest about how this all happened so I seemed to believe his words.

"I'm really sorry about this all, especially to Adam he devoted his life to be my foster parent till a new home . That really means a lot . I honestly don't know why I ran , I was really just caught up in the moment . I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble for you guys. I really am." Felt better to say that , I hope they forgive me truly . They all had smiled big and engulfed me into a group hug. "Guys , my head . Oww" I Nervously laughed. Oops and sorrys was all I heard before a doctor came in " Ahh, Ms Diana Rose . Well you are free to go by 8 this evening . Your injury was not that bad that we have to keep you longer than that. Your results came back fine beside a minor damage to your skull. That will or should repair on it's own. Other than that you can leave with Adam tonight , hope all goes well . Good bye Ms Diana Rose . " The doctor seemed happy to give my result to me and Adam seemed most happy that he doesn't have to worry deeply. I am actually pretty excited for this little adventure being under Adam's care .


The day went by pretty fast for eight hours. All we did was talk about our past childhood and eat. I had a few times I laughed too hard and it hurt my head I almost cried but I consider that a good thing . I'm actually happy with life so far from the point when I woke up in the hospital bed till now that I am leaving with a big adventure ahead of me. Adam was signing my papers so they can release me . Michael and Calum were keeping me company.

"So Diana what's your favorite song right now?" Calum asked me obviously interested in my other interests in music. "Uhm ... Back Seat Serenade by All Time Low!" I cheered because that song just boosted my mood all the time the beat , the lyrics it's all great.

"That's a good song , love that band " Michael came into the conversation . I lightly laughed at his accent , it was so cute .

"What are you laughing at Diana? Hmm???" Michael came closer and started tickling me . I had a fit of laughter but begged him to stop my head started to hurt .

"I'm so sorry Diana I didn't mean to really" he apologized afraid I might get hurt once again.

"Its okay , really just I have to be careful for at least a week or two now " I'm upset that I can't really do anything fun when I'm with the most fun and idiotic band ever .

"Alright Diana we can go now " Adam smiled walking up to us , "Where's Luke and Ashton?" He questioned us but we really had no clue either so we all ended up shrugging .

"Oh well let's go" Adam said breaking the awkward silence .

"Yay , where to though? " I grabbed my shoulder bag and put my phone in my back pocket.

"Hmm. Well let's go to my home so you can get better ?" Adam asked me so I agreed to that seeing I really do want to get better so I can be a wild teen again . That means texting 10 minutes past my bed time . Dang I'm such a wild teen I'm too wild for you to see. Oh gawd I'm a dork.


We pulled up to a nice , fairly big house . Bigger than the previous homes I've been in. It was gated with a black fence which seemed a bit typical but inside , past the fences was beautiful . Banana trees , palm trees , green grass everywhere and beautiful , colorful flowers . When we pulled up to the driveway Calum helped me out and walked with me inside . There I was greeted with a banner that said "Welcome to your new home Diana" . It all just made me so happy , it finally clicked . Ashton and Luke disappeared here to decorate . It was nice , just a little too girly but oh well this is such a nice thing to do.

"Welcome to your new temporary , or maybe permanent if you like it , home" Adam hugged me.

"Thank you so much it really means a lot thank you." I was so grateful for all of this .

"You're very welcome . Enjoy your stay " with that Adam walked out into another room with a big smile . I couldn't help but smile myself , a real genuine smile .

"Well this is your Florida home , back in Australia it will be much bigger and your room will be kick ass " Ashton laughed .

"That sounds great , can't wait to see it . So umm where's my room so I can get settled ?" I'm in need of a major shower . "Right this was ma lady " Calum chuckled locking our arms together. "Thank you my kind sir " without a single thought I kissed his cheek. I blushed

"Sorry I was just .. Umm it went with the moment . I umm it didn't mean anything " I had full on regret now . What if I messed up our friendship now? Ugh idiot . Always messing things up . "It's okay really" he sounded as if it was super awkward for him , I'm pretty sure it was . He led me upstairs , down the hall and left me at the third room down. "Thank you Calum . I think I want to be alone to get settled . I'll give you a shout if I need anything . Thanks again." With that he smiled and walked off . I opened my door , it was an average room. Nothing special , he only took me into his care just yesterday so no big deal. I didn't care if my room was Gucci or some 99¢ store decorated room I am still appreciative and I still love it. I laid down and instantly was in love with the soft pillows . The blanket was warming and soft as well . Before I knew it my eyes got heavy , I drifted into a deep sleep happy and safe of no harm.

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