Chapter 19: Let's Go Shika!

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*After the outmatched battle with Temari of the sand having the upper hand against Tenten of team guy, the next battle is simulated*

Ryuki: Aw man who's next?

Shikamaru: Why are you in so much of a rush?

Ryuki: I don't know. I just wanna get to the finals (looks at the board and sees Shikamaru's name pop up) 

Shikamaru: Guess it's my turn (walks down) 

Ryuki: Yeah Shikamaru!!

Ino: Win this one Shikamaru!!

Shikamaru: I don't need cheerleaders ya know (sighs) 

Ino: Yeah shikamaru make that little girl cry! Come you can do it! All you gotta say is I can beat her!

Ryuki: Geez babe calm down (chuckles nervously)

Choji: Yeah I know right.

Ino: What'd you two say!?

Choji and ryuki: N-nothing!

Hayate: Shikamaru and Kin.....Fight.

Shikamaru: (Prepares his shadow possession justu) 

Kin: Your not gonna use that shadow justu are you?

Shikamaru: Aw shut up will ya! Shadow possession justu. (His shadow makes his way towards kin)

Kin: That must be all You know I guess. (dodges and throws needles with bells on the tip of them)

Shikamaru: (dodges) Don't try and use that old trick on me. Your gonna throw the ones with the bells on them and make me react to the loud ones and try to catch me off guard with the silent ones. Nice try but I'll just dodge all of them to be safe. (Hears the bells but none is thrown) Huh? (looks back and sees a bell moving causing sound) But from where? (Sees a string) A string? 

Kin: To late! (Throws two more a shikamaru as it hits him in his arm)

Ryuki: Watch it Shikamaru!

Naruto: That didn't take too long.

Shikamaru: If I hadn't moved when I did, that would've been fatal. Okay now's my turn.

Kin: Sorry that was your turn (tugs on the strings and the bells start ringing)

Shikamaru: (Freezes in one spot then falls to his knees) 

Ryuki: What the heck?

Ino: Get up shikamaru!

Kin: Mhm, you see these bells send off vibrations through your inner ear and into the the brain which causes paralyzes.

Shikamaru: (Feels more pain and tries to cover his ears) 

Kin: It won't work. Once the noise has entered your ears, you can't block the sound out.

Shikamaru: (while he listens to her carry on, about 7 Kin clones appears) What the-

Kin: You can't move your arms and legs and even if you could you wouldn't know which one to throw your shadow at. (takes out three more needles and throws it a shikamaru hitting him) That was three. Next time I'll throw five.

Shikamaru: Stop playing games with me.

Ryuki: Come on shikamaru! Get up and kick her ass!

Shikamaru: (Thinks to himself: If it were that easy I would have done it already) Hey if your so tough why don't you just get it over with already.

Kin: So your not a fan of my slow and painful method then. Okay I'll end this but it'll still be painful. (before she throws she suddenly freezes) W-what? I can't move my arm?

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