The truth

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That is Ashely's room
  I close the door behind me "yes ash?" I just need you to listen and not talk" "Okay?" She takes a deep breath and then begins "  I was on the phone earlier. This is gonna sound crazy but we're being hunted" I gasp " Our dad was a hybrid. ( a hybrid is when your half human half Animal)  He called me just now saying that were being hunted by a scientist called Zake. The scientists wants to capture us and use us so he can inject our blood in him. We're hybrids to rose.  There's a school in L.A it's a Acadmey actually and it trains hybrids vampires and werewolves. We are going to start traveling tonight. I understand this is a lot but the Acadmey teaches us how to fight the witches warlocks ghosts and scientists. Scientists are people that out hybrid blood in there bodies so they can turn part demon. Scientists already have witch and ghost blood so when hybrid blood mixes with it it turns evil.  We have 2 days to there. We have to be there when our dad gets there. Our dad will explain it all as soon as we get there. Go pack your bags we have 20 minutes before we have to leave."

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