Chapter 16: The Escape

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Date – February 29th 3035

Time – 10:29pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – Unnamed

Location – HeartPool

Status – All but good conditions.

Addis stared at the needle knowing it would be her undoing. Paula knelt down and picked the needle up but slowly looked over to Addis. She pointed her pistol right at Paula's face and placed her finger over her lips to warn her to stay quiet.

Paula looked at Addis for a second not really displaying fear but, more so, displaying understanding.

Paula slowly nodded her head and closed the cabinet door to completely conceal Addis. She stands up not really believing what she just saw.

"Well hurry it up! In a few seconds if I start feeling pain you will too." Paula gave the woman her needle. She effortlessly rolls up her shirt sleeve and gives herself the injection.

"How do you feel Ms. Madison?" Paula asked.

"As dead as a person who can't die. Stop asking me, bloody interns. Anyway, I'll take another one just in case-"

"No!" Paula almost shouted. Ms. Madison looked at her as if she was losing her mind. "I'll get your the mean time we should go, you have a meeting coming soon so you should be ready."

Paula quickly walks over, gets a needle, and leads Ms. Madison out the door with her guards. Astonished that it worked, Addis couldn't help but open the cabinet slightly and peak out to see Paula again.

They were quickly heading out the door but Paula did look back and their eyes met. She gave a small thumbs up but Addis couldn't respond still too shocked that she wasn't in chains as of yet.

Brent and Amber were on the hunt for Covy but to no avail. They were dodging guard patrols and scurrying down hallways but they found nothing. Amber stopped for a moment as she realized something.

"Brent," She called out.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"There's an office right there. Maybe it has a map or something of this place."

"Or a few hundred guards."

"Wanna stay sarcastic and keep running around or figure out where we're going?"

Brent rolled his eyes and nodded. The room was locked so they had no choice but to breach and clear the room. Amber armed herself with her pistol and Brent got ready with his rifle.

Amber kicked opened the door, nothing inside but a desk and a few shelves with books on them. They closed and locked the door behind them to ensure no one would get inside.

"Look around." Amber said and Brent went off to topple over books and documents.

"None of this helps. I told you-"

"Found it." Amber showed she found a whole overview of the base. She particularly saw the holding and testing facilities but she took interest in the armory.

Brent made a mental note of where to go and how to get to where they were more than likely holding Covy or Aria but Amber was staring at the armory. Brent took notice.

"You have someplace to be I guess?"

"You could say that. I'll be in the armory, you get Covy." Amber was about to run out the door but Brent held her wrist before she got the chance.

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