Chapter 27: Exodus

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Date – May 4th 3035

Time – 7:50pm

System – Outer Rim System Alpha

Planet – XF42319D

Location – The dark side of the planet

Status – Shocked

"Who are you?" Justin asked, reincarnated and alive.

"I am Harold, he has sent me."

"The Shadow..."

"Yes, I have brought you back to life my friend. Your purpose has yet to be fulfilled."

Addis helped get Justin on his feet, his head was swinging a bit because he was still very weak and he looked at Harold. He already had much respect and thanks to be able to have another shot at life thanks to Harold.

But then Justin looked around and back to Harold. "Can you do the same with them?" He asked referring to the dead soldiers that were also fallen. Harold sighed and shook his head with grief.

" reanimate you it took a whole lot of skill, concentration I could not bring all of these people back even if I tried. It would take weeks and by would be too late."

Acacia sighed knowing her men would never come back, the promises they made for the Federation soldiers were lost now but they still had a chance to fulfill the promises of the ones that were still here.

Addis, completely filled with joy, tackled Harold and hugged him. Then, she got on her knees and bowed to show her thanks but Harold shook his head.

"Rise," He said and she followed. "Do not praise, worship or look to me as a god, rather, as a servant for Him and his student." Addis was a bit confused as Ramsay called out from behind.



"Ah, same thing. What are you friend?"

Harold smiled and looked at Covy. "I am like her." Covy eyes widened with confusion.

"I'm like you?"

"Yes, you are special like me. You ate the fruit didn't you? I could see it. You were worthy to eat the fruit, you're very powerful."

"Me? I, that's an honor."

Harold smiled but Amber got in his face, wanting answers she started to question everything. Why was Covy special, what's with Aria's sickness and why Harold was here among other things.

"I'm sorry princess I should've-"

"How do you know that's I'm the princess? You know a lot for a guy that just showed up."

"Yes and I'm sorry for keeping you all in the dark so allow me to shed light on the subject. At birth, Covy was chosen to be special. Unfortunately your little friend Aria isn't worthy and the fruit is having negative effects on her body. Covy, you and Aria have eaten the fruit of life."

"In the beginning you should know there were two tress. A tree of life and the tree of knowledge both bearing fruit. The mother of mankind had obviously eaten the fruit of knowledge giving us awareness of what is right and what is wrong and humanity is now what it is today in a simpler way to say."

"But those trees and the fruits were hidden until now. With more and more exploration occurring in the universe we've found- or should I say, the WUC has found the fruits. They put their scientists to work to uncover the mysteries but they'll never figure it out in the pure form it should be in."

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