The Big Crash

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After the party was over Charlie took Rose home and left me with Lexy and a really really drunk Crissor. I was way too tired to go back and clean the spa so I would either go back later or do it the next morning.

Lexy and I carried Crissor bridal style. Soon we were half way to Crissor's house when he broke the silence.

"Why.... are you two fighting?" He asked sounding like he was trying to hold himself back from puking. Lexy and I looked at each other and back at the rode.

"How do you know that?" I asked letting curiosity get the best of me.
"Well Kay-bear you would have shown Lexy off to everyone instead of the spa. While in this tidal wave you showed off your self and that's not you Kay-bear." I pulled over trying to process in my head what Crissor just said. For one he called me something my parents used to call me, and he said something about a tidal wave. I turn the car off and turned to my sister.

"Alexis Victoria Dallas I am sincerely sorry for everything-"

"That's right girl get your sister back!" Crissor yelled from the back seat.

"I am serious. I was only doing what I was told. It was a wish from mom and dad." I said trying my best not to get emotional around Lexy. It was something I promised myself since I found out they were dead.

How do you know this! How do I know your not lying? Ya know I will never get to know what my parents were like. We they pretty,handsome, smart, loving. I will NEVER know!" She burst into tears and nothing but sympathy was running down my vains. Sadly yet gladly Crissor's snoring broke our sad atmosphere. I hugged Lexy and at first she stiffened then she finally hugged back. I started the car and dropped Crissor off. But we decided to stay because we didn't want to leave him alone... and drunk.

When we finally got him in his room and tucked in we went to his living room and sat down.

"Lexy I really wish I had the letter with me so I could show you. No matter what you are still my sister and I love yo so much." Lexy looked at me then looked away. I took her hand and smiled softly she still looked away then finally looked at me.

"Kaylee... you just don't understand. I am adopted. A D O P T E D. And I will never be able to ask  them why they did this or see how good of people they were. YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME AND DIDN'T ONCE THINK 'hey maybe I should tell Lexy she is up in age and will understand!" A tear ran down my face thinking of a better way I could have felt with this situation. Lexy left the room and went to the bathroom leaving me in thoughts. I left the house and got in my car and drove. I didn't know where I didn't know how but I was going to drive somewhere and get my mind off of this.

What Lexy didn't know was this was a struggle for me too. I had to keep a secret this big for so long it was eating me on the inside.

I turned on the radio to try to listen to a song to cheer me up but nothing was hitting the spot for me. Tears started clouding my eye site at times but I quickly wiped them away. But soon I could couldn't breathe well and tears of fears, sadness, and depression were now blocking me from seeing the rode. I heard a horn and swerved in the opposite direction not seeing I crashed into a big long truck. Soon my eyes sight was fading to black and my body was covered in blood and all I could hear was screaming and crying. And then I was out.


Alexis Dallas POV

I walked out into the livingroom to go back to talk to Kaylee. I need to cool down before I could talk to her again.

I looked around and there was no sign of Kaylee anywhere. I called her but her phone went to voice mail. A few minutes later I got a call from the police which was strange figuring I had nothing to do with them since Kaylee worked at the police department.

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