New House

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today is moving day. I am so happy to be moving because the reason we are moving is because I was bullied. A lot.
The bullies were very mean and always hurt me every single day. They left a crap ton of bruises each day.
I had the courage to tell my parents and they said that if it goes on for the next three days then we would move.
Three horrible days later, I came back with bruises on my...well everywhere
Now we have moved to this house in (Y/C/A/S)(your city and state). It was very creepy and both of my parents known that I love creepy things. Creepy dolls to creepy stories I read.
"(Y/N), you can pick your room." My mom said. After she said that I run down the halls and look in every room. Then I found a very interesting room.
The room had letters circling the peach pale walls and a pretty cool bed. There was a closet that was crafted out of wood which reminded me about the pioneer days.
"Mom! Dad! I pick this room!" I shouted. Then they came to see my new room. They saw the room decided this room was creepy enough for me and said to go to bed.
I went into my covers. My covers were so cozy and silky smooth. Then I went into a deep slumber.

Hope you all enjoy this new book and if you want to you can suggest ideas for the next chapter and get a shout out so now see you later my beautiful derpy giraffes.

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