The School Day part 1

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I walk down the halls that looked like a private and preppy school. I seriously saw my own reflection on the walls.
I arrived to my ELA class and go to the teacher, Mr.Rim.
"Hello , Mr.Rim. I'm (Y/N) and I'm a new student." I say to the Mr.Rim.
"Oh hello, (Y/N). As you already know my name is Mr.Rim and I'm your ELA teacher for 1st and 2nd hour." He said. His hair is curly and is dirty brown while his eyes are brown. He is wearing a purple collared shirt with brown pants and brown slacks.
Then more people came to the class. After they were seated, Mr.Rim introduced me to the class and seated me next to a guy with a pink shirt and brown shorts. The guy had black hair and had lip gloss.
"Hey your the new student right?" The guy said sounding feminine. I nodded my head." I'm Troy and your name is (Y/N) right?" I nodded my head again.
"Troy! What are you two talking about?" Mr.Rim shouted.
"Nothing Sir." Troy responded to Mr.Rim. After that Troy whispered," Sorry." And I whispered,"It's okay."

Time skip brought to you by shrek screaming at sunscreen

"Hey, (Y/N) what class do you have next?" Troy asked.
"Science ,why?" I asked.
"My friend has science with Ms.Blu. Do you have Ms.Blu?" Troy asked again. I nodded." Great their name is Melanie Sinone try to find them and bye!" Troy said.
'Okay I have to find a girl named Melanie Sinone.' I thought
I got to science pretty quickly because it was really close to ELA.
I told Ms.Blu that I was new and all that jazz and she told me to sit next to this a girl named Kiki.
Kiki had blond hair which was held back with a ponytail. She also had pink clothing.
As I walked past her she gave me a nasty look. I smiled at her showing her so I didn't want any trouble.
I sat down by her and I said a simple hello. She then just ignored me and rose her hand.
"Ms.Blu ,can she change seats with me?" Said Kiki while giving me another ugly look.
"No, Ms. Everdean. You're the only one that doesn't have a partner yet." Said Ms.Blu and I thought,' I'm guessing that Everdean is Kiki's last name'
Kiki then just rolled her eyes at the teacher and then grabbed me by the neck with her arms and held up her phone in selfie mode.
"Say Cheese!" Kiki said while being weirdly energetic and took the selfie. After she typed her caption for Instagram.
"Making a grt bff @ hell!!! She is so adorbs!!" She said while typing and then putting too much emoji icons for anyone to enjoy.
Then Ms.Blu told Kiki to put her phone away.

(So I'm guessing that you are trying to make a ton of friends but things aren't going well. So bye!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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