The New Roomates

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"Tori! Get up and get ready! Diane and Tre'von will be here in 2 hours!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs. I groan as I manage to roll myself out of my bed and make my way to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look rough. My afro is smushed on one side and I have slight bags under my eyes. I look like I sell drugs.

I look away from the mirror and reach over to turn on the shower. Once the water is warm enough, I get undressed and hop in. I lather my body in warm vanilla body wash and rinse off.

After my shower I walk to my room with my blue towel tied tightly around me. I look in my closet and after a while I settle on a pair of white jeans with rips at the knees and a yellow crop top with my pink high tops (pic on top). I brush a little bit of my hair up into a top messy knot and jog down stairs.

"Morning mama." I said walking into the kitchen seeing my mom sitting at the island eating breakfast. She had a plate full of bacon and eggs and I hear my stomach grumble as I scan the kitchen in hopes of finding eggs and bacon left for me. But all I find is an empty pan in the sink.

"Morning baby. Oh sorry it kind of wasn't enough to share between two." She said in realization at my expression when I see that she didn't leave any for me. I glance down at her plate and look up at her in disbelief. That plate has at least fifteen peices of bacon on it.
"Oh don't look at me like that , you know how hungry I can get."

"Mhmmm." I say rolling my eyes. I turn away from her and reach into the cabinet to grab the cereal. As much as I want eggs and bacon right now, I'm too lazy to make it myself. So I settle on a bowl of Captain Crunch.

After making my bowl of cereal, I make my way to the living room to watch TV. I sit on the couch and set my bowl in my lap grabbing the remote and turning channels.

"Ooou turn it to that cooking channel." I hear my mom say as she comes and sits beside me on the couch. She has bacon hanging from her mouth as she talks which makes me laugh a little. You'd think I'd be grossed out but since we're both pretty much the same person, it doesn't bother me. We both have mid-length dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. We have a small yet curvy and thick body type. I'm also slightly taller than she is standing at 5'3 but of course she won't admit it. When we're in the store people would think she's my sister rather than my mom. We're both weird and childish and sometimes very sarcastic but I embrace it. I mean it's who I am so why not?

I turn it onto the channel she wanted since she can't cook for nothing. I leave her for 5 minutes to use the bathroom and when I come back somethings burnt. I think she could use some tips from these shows.

We sit there watching TV and making jokes about the food for a while until the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." My mom says as she stands up and stretches then starts walking towords the door. I get up and walk to the kitchen and put my bowl in the sink. I suddenly hear the voice of Diane as my mom opens the door.


Loud ass.

"Hey best friend!!! I missed yo big head." My mom replies to Diane in a slightly calmer way. I turn the corner walking out of the kitchen and walk to stand beside my mom. Once I get there I notice a boy standing next to Diane. That must be Tre'von.


He has dark brown curly hair, slightly darker than mine with the tips of his hair light brown. He's tall maybe about 6'1 and has muscles so defined that I almost drool just glancing at them. He also has beautiful hazel eyes and nice round, plump, and thick lips. 

I think i'm in love.

As i'm gazing at his lips, they start to turn up in a smirk and that's when I realized that I was staring.

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