Pizza for dinner

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I wake up to a noise coming from my bathroom.I must've fallen asleep during 20 questions.
To be honest his question were boring but I did get to learn more about him at least. I stand up from my comfy bean bag and walk over to the bathroom. The ruffeling noise getting louder as I get closer.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream when Chase jumps from behind the door. I stagger back surprised. Damn , that got me. After I catch my breath I notice his hands are a blueish purple color. I look back to his face in confusion. What was he doing in here?

He quickly darts to the sink and washes his hands."I'm in your bathroom." He said stating the obvious.

No shiz sherlock.

"Yeah and what were you doing in my bathroom." I said looking at him through the mirror above the sink. He looked slightly panicked before quickly covering it up with a smirk.

That stupid smirk.

"What I can't use the bathroom?"

"Unless your pee is a blueish purple color and you happen to get it all over you , I don't think you can." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Ok fine you got me." He said in defeat. Which didn't seem real." I was painting toilet paper." I look at him with a look asking 'do I look stupid'.

"Painting toilet paper?" I ask slowly. Is he mental. I mean , who paints toilet paper just for the heck of it.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. He walks past me and slightly bumps my shoulder making me stumble back a couple steps. I scowl at him as he leaves my room and heads downstairs.

I take a quick glance around my bathroom and stop my eyes when they land on the toilet paper. There's nothing on it. He did something else and I'm itching to know what it is.

I make my way downstairs to see mom and Sally still talking. "Hi honey! Did you two get to know each other well?" My mom asks as she notices me enter the room.

"It went perfect," I mutter walking into the kitchen. To be honest , most of his answers were perverted and no matter the question he would figure out how to make it that way. He said that when he gets a dog he was going to name it p**sy so that he could say 'I'm going to see p**sy when I get home'. Boys.

"Okay , darling. Can you go ahead and get dinner started for me?" Darling. I'm not 5 any more. She's just being extra nice and she knows how much it annoys me when she calls me that.

"I will!" I yell back annoyed. I start to put water in a pot deciding that I'm going to start making spaghetti. Once the water starts to boil , I put the noodles in an begin to stir. I take out another pan and get started with the meat. As I am reaching up for the seasoning I feel a breath on my neck. It startles me making me jump and that sends the seasoning flying.

I take in a sharp breath prepared to turn around and see a big mess but instead I see a completely covered Chase and an empty seasoning bottle.

I burst out laughing. So hard that it's hard to catch my breath. "That' get!" I weez out in between my laughter. His face goes from annoyance to amusement as his smirk appears.

Arg that smirk!

"So this is funny to you?" He asks pointing to himself.

"Yes , yes it is." I say finally managing to sober up from all my laughing.

"Well I'm not getting as much happiness over here , wanna share?" I get what he's trying to do. He takes two steps forward only for me to do the same only backwards.

"N-no , stay away!" I say studdering as he gets closer , his body slightly sweaty from how hot it is in here.

"Oh come on , its just a little hug." He says with a wicked grin.

I keep walking backwards and turn around to run out of the kitchen when I feel to strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me to their chest.

"Ahhh! Ew nooooo!" He turns me around and tightens the hug rubbing me against his stomach. I already feell the seasoning go through my shirt. He let's go still having that award winning smirk and I look down at myself. Gross.

A thought comes to mind and my eyes quickly dart over to the stove where there is smoke coming from the meat pan. The smell of burnt meat finally catching my nose. I move past Chase and to the pan quickly turning off the stove. As I go to turn around a fire tears through the meat making me jump back in surprise.

"Ahhh! Get water!" I scream at Chase who has a startled look on his face and fumbles with the cup in his hands. My mom and Sally come rushing into the kitchen.

"What's going on in here!" My mom yells looking like she's seen a ghost when she spots me whacking the fire with a cloth and Chase repeatedly poring water on it.

"Oh you know , normal friendship stuff where we decided to start a fire and burn the meat to pretend its a bonfire." I say sarcasm laced in my voice once we get the fire to die down and eventually die out.

"This is not a time for jokes Tori," My mom scolds.

I roll my eyes. "Its either burnt spaghetti or pizza." I tell her pretty certain she doesn't want to start cooking and have a repeat of what happened happen again.

"Pizza." They all said at the same time. Pizza it is.
After dinner my mom and Sally walk to the kitchen to wash the dishes and talk some more while Chase and I walk upstairs. We part ways when we reach our rooms.

"Tori?" Chase calls just before I close my door.


"Have a nice shower," he says with his smirk plastered on his face. Does he ever smile? Then the thought of him in my bathroom earlier comes to mind. What'd he do? I give him an akward look then close my door.

I make my way to my bathroom deciding to take a shower tonight to get all this seasoning off of me. As I walk into my bathroom I grab my shampoo and conditioner from the back of my door also checking if he painted it or something. He didnt.... I hop into the shower and wash myself clean of the seasoning and wash my hair.

As I get out of the shower I look in the mirror and jump from the person I see in my reflection. My hair its .... its blue! With a little mix of purple! Its not even a cute blue it's one of those ugly shades of blue. He did this , CHASE did this and that boy is gonna pay.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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