Not Strong Enough..

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Peridot's POV:

No one understands why I am mean to that blue clod but I just cant help it. I keep wanting to be near her, but if Jasper knew my feelings she would hate me. So I have to hide them and just pretend I hate Lapis.
Sighing I walk in my house and go upstairs to grab my phone. I immediately put Lapis' number in and give her a cute name so it hides who it really is. I then text her saying 'Hey, when should I come over?'
She responds with, 'Up to you. Come by whenever I guess since it is just me and my siblings.'
'Siblings?' I ask thinking she only had one.
'Yeah. Red spinel, my twin. Aquamarine, the oldest sister. Nummite and Ruby and Black Bloodstone are my younger ones.... Sorry you probably don't care.' She responded which made me cringe a bit.
'Hey Lapis?...' I text and wait.
'Yes, genius?' She calls me that because Jasper told her to.
Cringing more I text her before putting my phone down scared.

Lapis' POV:

'I'm sorry'
That last text from Peridot shocked me horribly and I had stared to make sure I was seeing it right. Thinking about it I remember her words earlier.
Hesitantly I type, 'Peridot, I forgive you.'
Hovering my finger over the send I hope she wont mind and then I click send and wait. I wait and wait and wait then finally my phone buzzes and she responded with, '😄💔'
Confused I ask, 'What's wrong, Peridot?'
Her reply shocks me, 'I'm in love but she will never love me back.'
Staring at my phone I think and stare more before asking, 'Who?'
She responds with, 'You. Lapis Lazuli.'
My entire body goes blank as I faint.

Peridot's POV:

I told her. I fucking told her and now she won't answer. I'm worried very worried. Is she grossed out, disturbed, scared, hurt?! I swear if someone hurts her I will shatter them. Get it together Peridot she just needs time right?...
Soon after my phone buzzes and it is her, 'I like you too, but too many things are keeping us apart.'
She was right. We cant be together for multiple reasons. However I will find a way.
'I'm coming over' I send before running outside to my bike and riding as fast as I can to get there.
As I ride I notice how small the houses in her neighborhood are. Soon I stop in front of her house and go to the door. When I knock a giant gem who is smiling at me.
"Hello, you must be Peridot," she says holding her hand out. "Hurt my sister and you die. Now I have to get to work. Have fun!"
She says running to her car letting me inside. This is gonna be an interesting visit. I think when a young baby gem runs into me, falling down crying. Calmly I pick her up and rock her, then put her back down to go play.
"That was amazing." Lapis says from the staircase. "Sorry for my outfit. My sister made me."
She was wearing tight short shorts with cowgirl boots, and a white tank top that just barely covers her breasts with a red flannel over it. She snaps her fingers making me realize I was staring. Blushing I look down.
"You look great..." I say trying to stay calm.
She is suddenly in front of me barely an inch from my lips, "Th-thank you." She says stuttering backing up.
"Anytime." I say blushing still.
She mumbles, I'm not strong enough, before taking me to her room. I notice the younger siblings playing. Before I am alone with her repeating in my head, stay strong Peridot. Stay strong, come on. Stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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