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Cassie’s POV

I walked over to her lifeless body. Placing my hand on hers, 

“I’ll miss you” I silently pleaded to her. I was sure I felt her chest move, but then I knew it was just my mind playing. I closed my eyes breathing lightly. When is opened she was gone. I turned around to be greeted by a pair of legs. I looked around to see everyone’s faces bright red. 

“What?” I sounded blonde. 

“SIKE” Terra laughed 

“I- I don’t understand” I asked blinking my eyes several times. 

“I was just Jking (joking) with you” she laughed. 

“I was never dead” she waved her hand in my face. 

“But I was there- I watched you. You stopped breathing” my voice breaking of confusion. 

“Chloroform” she laughed. 

“Oh” the shaky breath left my mouth. “I hate you” was all that left my mouth before giving her a hug 

“you scared me” my voice shaky. 

“I’m not going anywhere” she laughed. 

“how bout’ a feed eh?” Niall recommended. We all laughed as he headed towards the door running into the glooming woods. 


After 10 minutes of running, we reached a waterfall. Bethany, Dani, Terra and I looked at each other having the same idea. I ripped my t-shirt over my head leaving my shorts on. The girls followed as I walked backwards. I gave Niall a quick peck on the cheek before running towards the edge. As I was falling, the small droplets were forming onto my body as I was jumping down the waterfall. The free feeling this gave you was indescribable. As my body hit the water I was 9 feet deep at least! I pushed myself up to the surface of the water as I breathed, 

“WOOO” I screamed seeing the girl jumping down towards the water. I dipped my head down under the water brushing the hair out of my face. I felt something beneath me seeing it flash underneath me. 

“NIALL” I screamed seeing him come up from underneath. 

“What the ffff is it with you guys and scaring me lately” I sighed wrapping my hands around his neck. 

Bethany’s POV

As my feet hit the water Liam was already by my side. His hands were placed on either side of my hips as mine placed around the sides of his cheeks. 

“I love you” he whispered against my lips, I closed the gap with a kiss. It was beautiful, (Oi Bethany, I know you wish this was someone else, so picture him like that!) I pushed him away and began swimming. I looked over my shoulder to see him chasing. I stopped in my tracks and splashed him directly in the face. His laugh was memorising. 

“Oh no” I whispered trying to swim fast as I could away from him. On the way I bumped into harry and Dani already kissing. 

“SWIM AWAY” I boomed. Dani laughed and swam with me. 

“Fine then” Harry spat now chasing both of us.  

“Where’s Cassie and Terra?” Dani panted whilst finally getting to the edge of the lake. 

“You won this time” Liam snickered swimming away with harry. 

“Aw” Dani cooed pointing towards terra and Louis. They were laughing holding Stefan. Cutest ever. 

“On the other hand” Dani sighed looking at Niall. 

“He is actually hot” I sighed. 

“BETHANY YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND” Dani whisper-yelled. 

“Shit that was out loud” I face palmed me. I felt myself being dragged across the floor as I looked up seeing Liam staring down at me. 

“Uh” I vampire speeded off him and jumped back into the water getting the dirt off my legs. He was immediately by my side kissing my neck slightly. I closed my eyes in sensation.

Louis’ POV

As I was holding Stefan as his blue eyes looked straight into mine. His growth rate was impressive, growing every single day but fast then the rest. 

“I’m going to go join harry” I told Terra gently handing him to her. 

“Ok” she smiled. As my feet hit the water I began to swim over to Harry was just relaxing quietly. “pst” I spat for harry, his head popped up with his curls flopping down on his face. 

“Yeah?” harry asked placing his head back in the water. 

“Just wanna hang out. We haven’t lately. Cause of girls…” I said awkwardly. 

“Yeah true” he stated.

It had been an hour and Liam and Louis haven’t been anywhere to be seen, wait speaking of. Harry and Louis see a car being pulled up to where we were swimming. “that Lou’ and Liam” As they stepped out of the car, Liam had an esky in his hands. “WOO HOO” I shouted. Me and harry were immediately out of the water and onto the logs surrounding each other, 

“it got dark pretty quickly” Cassie sighed rubbing her arms. 

“I’ll start a fire” harry said running off in the distance. Louis grabbed bottles of beer, coke and whiskey out of the esky followed by red cups. 

“none for me!” terra butts in, 

“why?” Cassie complained. 

“I have a child you know!” terra laughed, 

“there’s a baby seat in the back if you want” Liam gestured to the car, “since when did you get one of them?” terra asked standing up, “wemightofstoleit” Louis mumbled really fast. Our mouths all formed an ‘O’ shape. “tonight were getting drunk bitches” I raised my glass to the middle of the group joined.

Thanks guys!:D love yaa all mofos xo


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