Chapter 5

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So they all started to work by syncing the prototypes information it had already gathered and put It on a computer. That way it would be clearer and will get lots if hints to find the gang. When it already synced they started seeing. First it showed the tattoo and what it meant. The tattoo was a bronze eagle with letters written C.T.G. That meant Central Terrorism Gang.

They got their first clue and the second one was that they have a meeting tomorrow 8 pm at the warehouse at the end of Castonment Street. That was one of the biggest hints. They said we have to hear what they are going to say. So everyone get ready tomorrow is a big day. Their last clue was that their HQ was in a village near London. Then the next day after a good sleep every one was getting ready for the mission ahead to hear what they say the meeting and then they have to think fast after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2013 ⏰

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