Words of Perfection | Settling Down CH2

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I was exhausted from taking a tour from the school with Matthew. Not from walking, but I've never heard a boy that could talk so much, I think I was getting a head ache. When I got home I started randomizing the boxes in there unusual places, I didn't care I was too lazy to properly organize them. While I was going through the boxes I found a picture of my mother, a sudden rash of pain was stabbing my stomach, a single tear drop, slid down my face. I scraped the tear drop off my face. As I looked at my beautiful mothers face I started thinking about when she was here. When we were a once a family, the same pain rushed in taking control of my body making me drop to the ground. I got up and started crying. "If only you were here. It'd be so much easier" I whispered to myself, tricking the tears from my bare face. I put the photo on the table. The garbage was leaking, which very disguised me. I took out the trash; the smell was repulsing, made me want to gag. As I put the garbage in the garbage can I saw my dad pull into the driveway.

"Hey Sam, how was your first day of school? Meet anyone new today?" Aaron said

"I met this guy Matthew, he seems pretty nice. His girlfriend seems like a drama queen" I answered

"Awesome! Well my first day of work was good, met some new guys from the office. And my friend from work is coming over for dinner, so we won't be the only ones at the dinner table tonight" He said

"Wait! What's the name of this friend you mention?" I demanded

"Well her name is Rachel; she's good with kids to, don't worry we just having dinner and then getting back to the real" He teased.

"Hmmph" I muttered.

I didn't like the sound of this woman, she likes kids. Or it could be I'm just overprotective. I started for the stairs, the phone rang. An annoying beeping sound started echoing the room like a siren. I grabbed the phone and look at the caller id (Nickson Jason) I was guessing it was Matthew. "Hello?" I answered "Hey! its Matthew" He said cheerfully "Oh" I said. "You wanna hang out with me and my friends get to know some of the gang?" He answered quickly "Umm..." I was still thinking "Okay sure, where you guys going?" I answered. "Where going mall, one of the many places, were meeting at 5" He said sounding like he was trying to put some cool into it. "Ok ill be there at 5. Bye" I hesitated. We both said our goodbyes. I started thinking to myself as if I did that, not that I didn't want to hang out with Matthew, I would problly get loss trying to find that place known as the mall. I shook the thought out of my head and was continuing to unpack. I heard my cell phone ring, I sprinted up the stairs hoping the that annoying beeping sound wouldn't stop. "Ugh! Where are you, you stupid piece of technology?!" I grunted. I grabbed my cell phone under a pile of old clothes I looked at the name who was calling (Thomson Trent) "Hello?" I answered quickly "Sammy!" she said. I knew it was Madison my best friend from my old home, "Maddy! How are you, I missed you. Has anything changed?!" I said with excitement

"I missed you too! Nothing changed just same old thing here, I told you I would call you after you moved." Madison said

"So how's the move meet anyone special I need to know about?" She teased

"Nope, just going to the mall at 5 to meet some of my friend Matthew's friends" I replied

"Oh, who's Matthew? Is he more than just a friend?" Madison said.

"No he's just a friend I met today at school, going to hang with some of his friends. I doubt they'll like me, haha. I wouldn't" I laughed at my little joke I made.

"I have to go family reunion. Yikes, well ill talk to you later bye" Madison teased.

We said our farewells and I headed downstairs to tell my dad I was leaving at 5 to head to the mall. Although that event didn't quite interest me one bit. I couldn't stand him up, he was so full of life and I was... full of nothing. I keep thinking about this dream I had where I'm sitting on this cliff, smiling. The sun is beaming, making my skin look radiant while the wind is twirling my hair in many directions. I looked happy. This would be remarkable if that ever happened again. I looked at the clock and sighed. I grabbed my coat and I was out the door. I arrived at the entrance of the building. I looked around to see if I seen Matthew, I seen a crowd of people standing and one odd guy waving, I took a better glimpse of the guy and recognized the face. I walked slowly towards Matthew. We both walked inside. To me the mall the big. We came across a group of kids. Matthew waved at the them.

Words of Perfection | Settling Down CH2Where stories live. Discover now