Chapter 13

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Emma looked down and on pregnancy stick there were two little pink lines. "I'm pregnant." Emma burst out, as she held her hands to her stomach.

"Congratulations." Regina said as she pulled the blonde into a quick hug.

Emma started crying, she couldn't believe it. She was overjoyed that Killian and her were going to have a child. But her thoughts soon began racing all over; how to tell Killian, what was their child going to be like, and what would her parents think? Regina eventually snapped Emma out of her trance. "Hey, Emma? Are you okay? Is this what you want?"

"Yes, I want this future with Killian. Let's just hope he wants this too." Emma told Regina.

"Well, there's only one way to know. Go tell him." Regina said.

"Crap, I forgot about dinner at my parent's! What time is it?" Emma asked grabbing all of her stuff.

"5:30." Regina responded.

"I need to go. Thank you for your help, I don't know where I would be without you." Emma replied rushing downstairs. "I'll text you later about how it when. Wish me luck!"

"You'll be fine." Regina told her. "Bye Emma."

Emma got into her car and started the engine, but before driving off she took a moment to just breathe. Her life was going to change majorly. Then she realized she had to get going if she didn't want to be late.

When she walked into her parent's apartment she said 'hi' but otherwise was quiet. She was trying to figure out how to tell Killian, but she couldn't come up with any cute or clever ways so she just decided to pull him aside while her parents finished making dinner.

"Killian?" Emma whispered."We need to talk."

"What's wrong love?" Killian replied.

"I have something I want to tell you, but please don't make a big deal out of it." Emma said.

"Emma, you beginning to worry me."

"Here goes nothing," Emma started. "I'm pregnant!"

"You're pregnant?" Killian practically shouted. "We're having a child."

"Shhh," Emma started, but it was too late.

David was already turning around asking what was going on. Snow quickly stopped making dinner as well to find out what all the commotion was about. "Umm. Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant." Emma said quietly.

"Uh, congratulations." Snow said.

David on the other hand didn't take the news so well. "Your pregnant? But ... OH NO!" David shouted. "You two, have been, making tacos?" He asked with a horrified expression on his face.

Emma was so embarrassed, but she slightly nodded in response to her dad's silly question. David then turned to Snow and said, "Kill me now!", before storming out of the apartment.

"Well that went well." Killian joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Please not now!" Emma said. "Mom, can you please go talk to him?"


Once Snow left, Emma slumped down onto the couch. She was completely taken away with her dad's response. "Emma love, I'm sorry about you father, but I can't believe it. We're going to have a child."

"Yeah, we are." Emma replied placing her hand on her stomach.

Killian sat down next to her and pulled her close to him. They sat there for a long time in silence thinking about what was in store for their future. Then Snow came back into the apartment soon followed by an ashamed David. "Dad I - " Emma started, but was quickly cut off.

"Emma please, I need to say something." David began. "I love you and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, I just still think of you as my little girl because I was never there for you as a child. But you're a beautiful women that is all grown up and I need accept that. I'm truly overjoyed that I will be having another grandchild. I'm sorry."

"I love you too Dad," Emma replied pulling David into a hug.

Throughout dinner David kept shooting Killian weird glares but other than that it was fine. Emma slowly picked at her dinner, eating some here and there, but she had too much to think about. She eventually eat all of her food and once she was done she thanked her parents. Then she and Killian left.

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