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This is my first story ever, finally I can uploaded it after making up the plot

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05.00 am

I was drifting into my dreamland when someone shaking my body back and forth

"Wake up sleepy head, time for school"

This must be a dream

"Guess Who are u gonna meet this morning?"

No this is not real

"Don't ignore me if want to sleep and eat well in this house"

Oh no! I better wake up now or else i would be dead in no time

"should I answer that?" *yawning*
"yes you are"

I start to open my eyes and put my right hand up in the air. I began to pretend counting my fingers

"Mom, let me tell u something about your question, first one I'm not going to school, I'm going to college.
The second, class start on 08.00 Am
The third, i would only met the securities, a few of new friend, and... Going home. Thats all"

"u forget something honey"

Eww, now she start to used that teasing expression to me.

"What?" I said while scratching up my body"

"The college boy with a bare abs and also that creamy and hot six pack" *showing drool face*

"ur so silly Mom, just like the same"

This old women always lighten my mood, even on this early morning

"Come on girl! Ass up in the air! We need to go faster, since your Univ is so faaaaarrrr away from our kingdom here"

Now she get up from my bed and standing there like a general training his soldier

"yep, this princess is about going to take a bath at the river with a magical fish"
i said while pointing my index finger to myself and kissed her right on her cheek

At Rangsit University

Today is my first day becoming a College girl. Well, to be honest, this is my second first-day. I decided to check my inbox and writing some message, while Mom keep complaining about her absence on the office this morning
"Now I would be late"

She complaint a lot this morning -_-

"FVCK" i said murmuring to myself

"Wow! mind your words my dear"

I see that she using the death-glare after i said those word.
I guess it wasnt murmuring, maybe we can called it a half shouting and murmuring

"I'm sorry Mom, it's not you, it's jane and Puey, they didnt even read my message. Now i have to go to class alone, why it so hard to be me..."

her face soften after she heard my complaint

"Look honey, I'm sorry for forcing you to continue your study, I know that you really love your job, but i just want a better future for my daughter, beside u still can pursue your dream, i'm not blocking your career princess"

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