Part 5 - "My turn."

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We were back at my house because they brought the furniture, at 11 o'clock exactly. 

"Why is your hair wet Briz?" My dad asked, when we came in.

"We were swimming in the pond." I told him. He nodded back.

I walked to the kitchen to get us all some water, but then I realized we had no glasses yet, we had to unpack these.

"Dad, how can we drink?" I yelled to the living room.

"I bought some plastic glasses yesterday, they're in the counter at the right!" He yelled back.

I opened the counter and there they were. I took 4 glasses out of the platic packaging and poured some water into them, right out of the tap. 

"Here you are, Haz." I gave him a plastic glass.

"Thanks." He smiled to me, showing off his dimples.

"One for Oli," I countinued giving. "And last but not least, one for my Femmie." I moved my hand trough her brown locks, she smiled. I sat down on the ground next to them. We were in a circle again, and It reminded me again of when we were singing earlier. I had a really good time, I enjoy singing. And I saw the rest of us do too. 

"So, should we go unpacking Femmie?" I asked when we were all silent.

"Okay, bye Harry and Oli! I had a really good time." She said while standing up.

Harry was walking towards the door but Oli began talking so he turned around to face her sister.

"Can't we help them, Harry?" She asked him, and I felt so happy knowing she wanted to help us.

"Okay, but we have to tell mum and dad first. Come on." He put his arm around her shoulders and walked out. Oli turned around and waved to me while I closed the door.

I was getting all my boxes upstairs when I heard the bell ringing. I ran downstairs to open the door but I saw Femmie opening it just before I got down. We always do these races to open the door first. The very first day in our new house and I lose. Great beginning. Femmie gave me a smirk while letting Harry and Oli in. I stuck out my tongue. Childish, I know, but who cares. 

"Why did you just stuck out your tongue?" Oli asked me, laughing.

"Uh, nothing.." I answered, embarresed.

"Me and my sis always try to be the first opening the door, but this time she lose so she's upset!" Femmie told them. Oh no. Why does she have to!

"Femmie! Shut it!" I said, laughing.

"It is kinda funny, we used to do that too... When I was like 12 years old, not 17!" Harry said, while laughing hard.

"Just stop! I like doing it, so I'm happy with that!" I told them both, still laughing while walking up the stairs.

"Should I help you?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." He followed me into my room while Oli followed Fem into hers.

We were silent the whole time, unpacking boxes and putting all the stuff on the ground, untill someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said. My dad came in with some other guys, and they were carrying a mattress. 

Harry and I stood up.

"Just put it there, against the wall." I pointed to a wall. My dad and the other men put the mattress down.

"You should go outside for a while again since we'll be putting your bed here now." My dad told me. I nodded and Harry and I left the room.

"Quite a big room you've got." Harry said. We were sitting again on the bench where we first met. It was only yesterday but it felt so much longer. It was weird because I actually didn't know anything, besides the reason why he came here.

"Yeah! I bet your room is the same. Our houses look the same so I guess the bedrooms are so too." I said back.

"Not really, the other floors are different than yours. I can show you one day." He looked at me.

"Okay." I simply said back. "Should we ask these typical questions to get to know each other better?" I suggested.

"Hmm, okay. You start.

"Why me!?"

"You wanted to do this, so you start."


"What did you just say?" He looked at me with a grin.

"I asked if you consider yourself smart." His grin grew bigger.

"It depends on what subject. I am good at music, sports and stuff. I'm quite intelligent actually."

"Am I talking to a nerd here?" I boxed his arm.



"My turn. What is your favourite colour?"

"What a question. But my favourite colour is.. I don't really have one haha." I laughed.

"Mine are orange and blue!"

"Okay, my turn again. Have you ever..." I didn't know what to ask him. Then I got an idea. "Kissed a girl?" His eyes widened. Of course he had. He is super cute and all.

"Actually... No.." He looked sad. I looked surprised. I'm sure my chin was on the ground.

"NO?! But you're so! You know! So..!"

"So what, Briz?" He cowed me.

"So handsome, Haz!" I screamed in his face.

"Thanks! But don't tell anybody on our new school, okay?"

"I won't." I said sincerely. He was my first new friend and I didn't want to mess this up.

A/N: I know in real he kissed when he was 12/13 but this is part of the story! Hahah! So, have one of you guys done the #1BigInvention ? I am doing it with my friend @officialfemmie, we're not finished yet tho haha! xxxxx tell me in the comments :D and vote and also say what you think of this chappie please!

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