Rhiannon's Quest

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Chapter 1:  Introduction

Rhiannon lives in a beach house right on the ocean close to a small fishing village where she can get fresh fish as it is brought in that morning. She can walk the beach and listen to the sea birds, hear the waves crashing, and smell the ocean. She picked this spot because there are very few people living in this area so the beach is usually pretty empty. The sunrises and sunsets are gorgeous and the breeze off of the ocean is refreshing. The people in the village are very friendly and she can practice her Spanish with them. They are very accepting of her need for privacy, but they are there if she needs a friend.

She has always felt a little “different” all of her life. She feels somehow connected to the Earth and the animals – I know crazy huh?! She finds that she does her best thinking when she is outdoors. Sometimes, if she is inside too long, she begins to feel claustrophobic. Being close to nature is very important to her; maybe even vital.

She made the mistake of telling a few people and some of them laughed at her but some of them tried to have her committed. After that she decided to move away since she realized it was better to not be around too many people and to keep her mouth shut when she was around them.

She enjoys her simple life and is very happy. All that is about to change!

Chapter 2:  The Discovery

While walking along the beach one morning Rhiannon finds a strange looking object. It appears to be very old, maybe made of stone. It is cylinder-shaped with metal pieces that look like crosses jutting out at various lengths all over it. It might be some kind of artifact but she gets the feeling that it is a “key” to something. 

She feels it calling to her and is compelled to pick it up. When she does it begins to glow and she drops it at once as though it had bitten her. What was that? Had she really seen it glow? Still she feels compelled to pick it up again. When she does it begins to glow again, but before she can drop it a strange scene appears in front of her. It looks like a doorway is open to what seems to be another world. She can see movement and feel the breeze coming from the doorway. She is drawn to it and finds herself stepping into the doorway. Has she lost her mind? Where is this place? It has two suns, one smaller than the other and the sky is a purple color. The grass is lush but it is red. There is a beautiful dense forest with trees that tower higher than any she has ever seen. She can hear birds and when one flies over it is definitely not like anything on earth. It reminds her of a parrot with its brilliant colors but it is huge and has a double set of wings. There are other animal sounds but nothing she can identify. When she looks in another direction she sees an ocean in the distance; its color is blue-green like Earth. As she looks around she puts the artifact into her bag for safekeeping and notices a beautiful city just ahead with towering mountains surrounding it. She starts to walk towards it and as she gets to the outskirts of the city she notices a line of aliens moving as if they were sleep walking leaving the city. They look almost human from a distance but when she gets closer she notices they have strangely colored eyes and their skin appears almost translucent. They are tall but fragile looking and they are all carrying a bag stuffed with things as though they are going on a trip. There is another type of alien in the front of the line and it appears to be small, with pointed ears, and a very tough looking reddish skin.  It seems to be leading the others. They appear to all be walking in the same direction towards something outside of the city and appear to be in a trance or something. She tries to talk to them but they don’t seem to hear her. She reaches out to touch one of them but it is if they can’t see or hear her and they keep walking. 

She walks through the city and the buildings are tall with lots of what looks like glass - very airy looking. Some appear to be homes while others are for business. There are very few vehicles but what looks to be a type of monorail that runs throughout the city. Shops sell goods of all sorts. It looks like the people never leave the city. Must run by solar power because there isn’t any sign of power lines.

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