Help Me Remember (pt. 1)

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I would just like to say sorry for my writing in this one. But I promise it will be probably get better.

You were in your room sitting on your bed impatiently tapping your foot on the floor. It's been a few hours since Jace, Izzy, Clary, and Alec went on a mission, and they still hadn't come back yet. You stayed back at the institute because you passed out during a mission from a demon and Alec told you to rest for a few days. A few minutes later Hodge ran into your room with a worried face.

"Are they back? Are they okay?" You asked. Hodge didn't answer making you stand up and walk up slowly to him.

"Hodge, are they alive?" He nodded his head and you sighed in relief.

"Then what's wrong?" Hodge gently grabbed your hand and pulled you closer. He kept hesitating to tell you something.

"It's Alec, he-he got injured really bad." Your heart started beating faster and it felt as if a someone punched you in the throat.

"He's in the infirmary, but-" you cut him off.

"Take me to him." Hodge shook his head. And you repeated yourself louder.

"(Y/N), he doesn't remember anything. He didn't even know his own name when he woke up. He-he didn't know who Jace was or Izzy." Hodge told you. Your eyes were watering, and Izzy came in.

"Oh (Y/N), I'm so sorry." You broke down and started sobbing. Izzy pulled you into her arms and you held on to her like your life depended on it.

"Hodge, can you please go?" Izzy asked. He nodded his head and closed the door and Izzy soon joined you. Both of you were on the floor in each other's arms a mess and mascara running down your faces. Once both of you calmed down, Izzy looked at you.

"Do you want to see him?" She asked. You thought about it.

My hearts going to break when he looks at me with confused eyes and a scared look. And I don't know what's going to happen to our relation ship.

You nod your head ready to see him. Both of you wipe the tear stains off your face. Izzy helps you stand up and you walk to the infirmary. Every step you take, the more you get nervous. You two are in front of the door Alec is in. Izzy knocks and Jace opens it. He looks at you and gives you a sympathetic look. Jace calls for Clary and she stands next to him. When Clary sees you she doesn't hesitate to hug you, you hug back.

"We'll leave you two alone." Clary says and leads Izzy and Jace somewhere else. When they leave, you think about leaving and not seeing Alec but you know you have to face him. You open the door and Alec turns his head to you. His eyebrows scrunch up and you almost run out crying. Instead you walk to the bed and sit on the chair next it.

"Hi." You simply say. Alec looks at you.

"Hi. Who are you?" He asks.

"(Y/N), I was your..." You stop for a second thinking if you should tell him you were his girlfriend.

"Friend." You finish and your voice cracks when you say friend. You hoped he would some how remember you and say your his girlfriend. But he just nodded his head and said okay.

"Do you remember anything? Like what happened, or where you are?" You ask. Alec nods his head.

"Yeah, that guy with the blonde hair, um, Jace told me." Guy with the blonde hair.

"I'm a Shadowhunter? I don't know what that means, but someone said you were going to explain to me. I think it was Clary." You look at him.

"Me?" You ask. I don't think I can talk to him without feeling like crying.

"Yeah. I'm really confused right now, so can you explain everything?" Alec looks at you with desperate eyes. And you try not to look at them but fail miserably when you take a quick glance at his perfect face. You nod your head and hope someone will come in so you can leave and cry. But you hold it in. Alec keeps looking at you.

"Well?" He says sassily almost making you smile. He's still got that attitude. You think.

"Oh! Well um, you're a Shadowhunter. You, Clary, Jace, Izzy and I fight and kill demons to keep the world safe. A few weeks ago we helped Clary wake her mom from a coma." You were about to go on but Alec cuts you off.

"What happened to her?"

"Just wait." You say and smile at him. He smiles back making your heart beat and you feel butterflies in your stomach.

You explain everything that happened the past few weeks with Clary and her mother. What Parabatai means and who's his is. Pretty much everything but the two of you.  You were about to leave but he says something.

"What about us?" He asks. You turn around with a confused look.

"What?" You question.

"I said what about us? You told me my relationship with everyone but you. Jace and I have a special bond, I don't like Clary, and Izzy and I will do anything to protect and help each other. What about us?" Alec says and you curse at yourself for not leaving earlier.

"I told you, we were friends." You say, you were about to leave again.

"Were? Why is that past tense? Are we not friends anymore? I don't know anything about you, but I do know you know somethings about me." He says, and you turn back around grabbing the door handle.

"Help me." Alec yells. God dammit Alec, let me leave.

"Help me remember you. If I remember you, then maybe I can remember things linked with other stuff. I need you." He explains.

"I'll think about it." You say and leave before he can say anything else. You can hear Alec yell 'please!' But you ignore it.

I want to talk to Izzy. You think. You find her in her room laying down but not asleep.

"Hey, I never asked if you were okay." She turns to you and gets up. She shakes her head.

"He doesn't remember me at all. Alec is the most important person in my life, and now he's just... Gone." She says and her voice shakes and cracks. You pull her in for a hug and she squeezes you back. You hug her tighter when you feel her tears soak your shirt.

"Its gonna be okay. Alec is still your big brother and he still loves you. Even without the memory of you, I know he is still very, very protective of you." You say and hope it makes her feel better.

"Thank you." She says and you nod your head.

I hate the beginning so far, but I think it's gonna get better in the next few parts? Anywayyyy, hope you enjoyed the book so far byeeee! <3

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