Halloween Romance

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Chapter 1: Locked in a cupboard

Back at school, I was greeted with smiles and 'get well soon' cards. Even a few presents with cute little bows. Charlotte ran up to me and hugged me tight. We were good friends now, and so was Natalie. She was thinking about splitting with Ben after the camping thing, as they had gone home after the first night as Ben was needed at the football game.

So, we went round to our classes, and it was time for PE. I went to the changing rooms, and there was no sign of Alice. We got changed, and then Natalie got a message through. Me and Charlotte crowded round her, and the message was from Ben. It read,

"Hey babe xx If u see Sophie tell her that Alice is together with Callum. But keep it from Charlotte, otherwise WW3 begins. Love you xx"

I stared at the message, my face turning red. Charlotte was too, her fists clenched. We were both shocked at what we read. Alice was together with Callum? What? After everything he said about Charlotte, she didn't care.

"The bitch!" Charlotte charged out the doors, dragging me and Natalie along by our Cheerleader uniforms to the field.

There was Callum and Alice, her legs wrapped around his waist as she was against the wall. They were licking and kissing and stuff, and as soon as they saw me, they had different reactions. Callum seemed pretty happy and cocky, he was in for it now. But Alice just seemed unhappy and sad, but pecked him quickly. Then she pushed him away, so he said he had to go to practice. When he passed me, he whisper to me, "We need to talk. Meet at the Cleaner's cupboard at lunch." He winked and ran to the field, as Alice was left staring at us.

"What the fuck? Why are you with my ex? Does it not bother you what trouble he has caused me and Sophie? You sly two-faced bitch-" Charlotte lunged at her, but we both had hold of her, pulling her back to us. You could tell Alice was pissing herself, so I decided to talk to her. She was in the cheer outfit like us, but her phone was smashed. I decided to ask her how it happened.

"What happened?"

"To what?"

"Your phone."

"Ohh...if I say, you can't tell anyone. Okay?" She was scared, and she and I both knew something happened. She looked down, tears spilling from her eyes. My arms pulled her close, and she slouched in a ball on the floor.

"Callum...he smashed my phone...said that if I didn't kiss him he'd break my phone. I said no. So...he threw it, but it didn't fully smash. Then he said that if I didn't...umm...something... I'm so sorry," and the tears became streams down her reddish cheeks. Charlotte was still angry, and was trying to send her into submission.

"Awww... did Sophie scare the bitch?"

"Don't! It wasn't her fault. She wasn't together with him at all. He smashed her phone and threatened her." Charlotte went blank. She felt guilt. She didn't show it, but she knew she was wrong. She wasn't use to that feeling.

"I'm...im so...sorr...you know, that word,' and she helped her to her feet, smiling at her in her happy way. Charlotte was still angry, but now at Callum. If she sees him soon...

I went to the cupboard, and I pushed the door open. Not fully, just slightly ajar so I could look through the crack. I said his name, and knocked. He was there. I saw his shadow, and he pulled me in and locked the door behind me. I think it was him anyway. The light shot on, blaring a faint yellow light in my eyes. It was Callum. His leather jacket was over his shirt and in his hands was a bat. A baseball ball, full wooden baseball bat. He looked at me in the eyes and grinned. His dirty smirk made him look cute, but I couldn't look back. I stared at the corner of the small room. He stepped forward, his hand touching my cheek. It caressed my face, making me sigh. Unfortunately, I enjoyed it. I backed into the wall behind me, and he knew that he wanted me.

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