New guy in town!

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Chapter 1: Sunny day

I walked along the beach, the waves lapping the sandy beaches of Sunnyside Bay. It was pretty busy,as it was summer vacation, and all the teens live to come here in the Summer. I lived here most my life, and I loved it. All the pro surfers came here each year for the Annual Surf off, and each year I came to each competition and I loved it. I ran over to my mate, my straight, brown hair covering my light blue crop tee with 'dork' written in black capitals on the front. "Sophie, where have you been, we have to go look for hunks remember?" Tradition, you see, we did this every summer. I had the most luck, all the guys liking me in my snazzy bright pink bikini, my hair straightened in a high pony, showing of my bright green eyes. I lay down on our pink towel, gazing out into the horizon. ' Hey, look at that hunk, I bet he'd fall for you!' She pointed towards a group of surfers, but one stood out the most to me. She wasn't pointing at him, but I didn't care. He was tall and tanned, six pack too. Brown quiff, some strands covering his aqua-marine eyes. He had green trunks on and lime flip-flops on his feet. I think I was staring, because (when I actually snapped back into reality) he was giving me a puzzled look back. I shot my head down at the towel, blushing. I know I am tannish, but I must've looked burnt from the amount I was blushing. Me and my mate, Sophie, began talking again and giggling over jellyfish and my brother Ryan and surfing and clothes, when from out of nowhere a football flies at me and smacks me in the jaw. I think it cracked from the power, and I whimpered in pain. The cute guy and his mates rushed over, my guy at the front of the gang of surfers. I was on my back when he bent down and stared into my eyes. 'Oh I'm so sorry, are you alright? Sam must've kicked it a little bit too hard in your direction. We shouted, but we were too far away.' He lifted me up on to my feet, while Sophie began flirting with the rest of the surfers. I was still a bit dazed, and shocked, from my cracked jaw, but as soon as I heard him talk, I didn't care about the pain. 'Again, sorry, but too make up for it, wanna catch an ice-cream or something. I work down at the cafe, and you need something to wake you up a bit.' I blushed again, biting my lip, but nodded in agreement. We walked down the sand dunes, talking about ourselves. He was 13, just like me, and he lives here, right near the beach. His mum owns the cafe and his dad works at the Surf Shack. He also has an older brother, who was Sam back there. I though they looked a bit identical. We came to the door of the cafe, and then a small, golden puppy jumps towards me as soon as the door flew open. It was so adorable, and it was so small. 'Oi, Cheeky, get down and go get someone else to play with for now' he said in a soft voice, but he hugged the puppy before Cheeky ran off to the kitchen. We grabbed a window seat facing the beach, and I ordered a double sherbet whippy with sauce and a flake. Yum! 'So what school do you go to?' He seemed interested in me, so I decided to tell him a bit about me to widen up our convisations. 'I go to Palmside Springs High, the one the other end of the beach. What about you?'

'Oh, I go Waterside Academy for Boys. They teach you how to surf and boat and stuff. Not much educational things there, because my dad wants me to join the business of surf. Do you watch the annual surf off?'I didn't know how to answer, because he might think I'm weird, but I couldn't lie.' Every year, ever since I was 3years old, but my mother never let me, nor my older sister, because they said it's too dangerous out there on the open water' We talked again, and before I realised, it was 5:37 pm, and I had to get going. But before I could say anything else, David (the fittie) said something that made my heart flip ' So, wanna go the arcade tomorrow, then i'll teach you to surf if you want? Meet here at 1pm sharp?' I couldn't disagree, and before I left with Sophie, as she and her surfer clan of jocks came in to the cafe, he gave me his number just in case anything happens. Trust me, I was going tomorrow, no matter what...

Chapter 2: Fairground laugh

I walked down the pier, the boiling sun glaring down at the beach. The waves were big today, tons of people riding the waves. I carried my beach stuff in a bag with little pink bows attached everywhere over the blue fabric. I was kinda dressed up, as this was a bit like a date, so I wore my light blue shorts, black converse with electronic blue laces, blue Hollister jacket and a black and white crop top. I smelt a bit too, because I applied loads of perfume, as well as a bit of mascara and lip gloss. I reached the cafe door, and as it pulled open, Cheeky came out to greet me again. He was really happy, and so was David. He was in a pair of lilac trunks and a pair of blue flip flops. His quiff was amazing and cute, and I loved it. He greeted me with a hug, and I blushed again. 'Hey, you look really nice. And smell it too!' We walked a bit to the arcade. It was massive, and had loads of games. We walked through the door, coming to the first row of arcade games. The claw machines were great here, because you always won something. We had a go, and I got a little dolphin and David got a giant, pink bear. 'Here, you can have the cute bear. It reminds me of you, cute and soft in both ways.' Then we decided to go on one of those racing games in the motorbikes. I rode behind David, clutching his waste to stay on. I screamed a bit when we leant right or left, but I was hysterical afterwards. Then, we went on the Simulator thing where you lie down and it shakes and stuff. It was so funny, as every time we shook, David made funny faces and noises, and once he nearly fell off. We decided to go get fish and chips, but we saw a sign for the fairground. 'Oh my gosh, we have to go! Can we?' I asked in my please-can-I sweet voice, and he shouted 'Hell yeah!' That was a good sign. We ran to the entrance and we decided on what to go on first. We decided the ghost train was the best for first, so we clambered in and off we went. I have to say, I nearly peed myself a few times, but David held my hand and I felt safe. And the funniest bit was when David scared one of the people in the car opposite us. Then we went on this roller coaster called Candy Craters and it was amazing. Me and David laughed through the whole thing as we went upside down and loop de loop stuff. We went on a few others, and then we went for fish and chips. I decided to get a souvenir photo from the log floom and David bought my another teddy bear. We sat down on the beach wall and ate our dis and chips, while laughing as usual. ' So, wanna catch up again on Tuesday, but any apart from Mondays and Friday afternoons because I am either working at the shack or practicing for the surf. Oh, I forgot to teach you didn't I? Um, how about you come on Tuesday like we said and I'll show you some tricks and stuff, huh?' I glowed and screamed yes, a bit too loudly, and hugged David tightly. I let go of him and blushed, him giggling at me and he offered to walk me home. After a while, we reached my massive house and we said our goodbyes. 'I'll call you later to make sure, and I'll be at the cafe again same time' I said before I kissed him cheek and skipped indoors. Can't wait for Tuesday, but what to do tomorrow...

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