A new life in Gravity Falls chapter 8

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(Author's note as always I hope you enjoy the story.)

Wendy's pov:

My wounds have healed and feel stronger than before but. Dipper wasn't kidding about silver on drop of sliver paint nearly killed me. It's been two weeks since the attack and today at class I saw Shawn. After class I called him over he came I then grab his shirt brought into the woods to have a word. I pushed him into a tree and said letts talk about Halloween. He said "look I know you're mad but I did warned you about what was going to happen. Kind of warned you besides your alive." He lifted his shirt and said "and it's not like you were defenseless this is the most damage I've ever had from a transformation. So can I please go and I'll keep your Secret and you keep mine okay?" I say on one condition you study what type of werewolf I am then I'll call it square also you were fine until you saw the moon so don't tell me you can't do it. Also your the only person here who would survived my attack. He said "fine I'll do it but after this I oh you're nothing!"

Shawn's pov:

It's time for Wendy's first transmission we went deep into the forest. She asked me "so when I transform will it hurt?" I say well I wouldn't say that it hurts. But then again it's incredibly unpleasant imagine going through puberty in 5 minutes that's kind of what it's like. She then said "oh is that all" I then said no you'll black out and lose your memory of the night as well. Wendy said "great any other information you need to tell me last minute?" I say try to enjoy the perks of being a werewolf but know that it is a curse after all. So that means for the most part it's unpleasant.

Wendy's pov:

Well we got far enough away from all the other people. Shawn then said "you should take off your jacket before you change." I threw my jacket to the ground and said so when do I change into a monster? He said "your not a monster your a werewolf and you'll change." My body feels hot and itchy even my bones feel weird. He then said "well it's happening" he pulled out the camera and started filming me.

Shawn's pov:

You never forget that first transmission it's such a weird feeling. She fully transformed she was thinner than my form but looked to be a more wolf like. She was on all fours and she howled at the moon. I made sure that I was down wind and out of sight. A deer ran by and she gave chase the deer tried to lose her but she was to fast. She was even to fast for me to keep up she grabbed the deer by the neck and finished it. She spent the rest of the night exploring her new territory.

Wendy's pov:

I woke up by a river covered in blood I looked around. For a moment I yelled out Shawn are you out there!? Shawn said "no reason to shout I'm here." As he came out of the bushes he then said "don't worry about the blood it's just deer." I say I was fast enough to catch a deer? He said "yes your fast your the more wolf like werewolf and you are fairly docile. I don't think you would attack anyone unless they do something stupid." Well that's a relief I said. Shawn said "look Wendy I've never really seen another werewolf before. Except the one that attacked me and we'll I want to teach you how to. Use the werewolf power's so they don't use you what I mean is I feel bad for what I did and I want to make up for it meet me in the Forest every Wednesday after are bartender class." I say okay I want to learn how to change at will.

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